Hitler would never subject his people to such abuse. Go watch Europa you need another perspective...ie not one narrated by the trillionaire rothchild family.
When are the fireworks going to light off here in the states over this bullshit. You would think that natural immunity would be the ultimate passport. Jab does not keep anyone from testing positive, not spreading the fake virus, so how do they get away with this shit.
When are some of our super skilled current or x gijoes going to start using rule 308 against these idiots.
Hitler would never subject his people to such abuse. Go watch Europa you need another perspective...ie not one narrated by the trillionaire rothchild family.
The great awakeking is good. But our future begins the day the the rubish is pushed off his grave...and world sees he was right.
When are the fireworks going to light off here in the states over this bullshit. You would think that natural immunity would be the ultimate passport. Jab does not keep anyone from testing positive, not spreading the fake virus, so how do they get away with this shit.
When are some of our super skilled current or x gijoes going to start using rule 308 against these idiots.
I heard the politician in NY who sponsored the legislation rescinded it, blaming conspiracy theorist pushback.
Oh shit really? Sure it wont last long, theyll probably hide it in another piece of legislation and sneak it in.
All liberal mayors are falling in line introducing vaccine passports, California, boston, chicago, new york. Prison camps are next.