Obtain a restraining order against the FBI lol.
Democrats Express Relief That Hitler Is OK - I thought this site was suppose to be satire, but here is truthful story.
Great, another congressional investigation. They are sure to get to the bottom of things, NOT.
I with you pal.
Readers added context they thought people might want to know This is not a Blackrock commercial; its a video in support of the Azov battalion put out in 2022.
Readers added context they thought people might want to know.
This is not a Blackrock commercial; its a video in support of the Azov battalion put out in 2022.
Community notes say: Readers added context they thought people might want to know This is not a Blackrock commercial; its a video in support of the Azov battalion put out in 2022.
My comment: Supporting the Nazi Azov battalion is just as bad.
Language mean something. This might be considered a psyop in itself.
Ever here of the Mere Exposure Effect?
These are not invaders, the are mere immigrants.
Yes I would say this person has tranny potential.
Well the people at that making those list are getting put on a list too!
There are plenty of enablement sites if you care to look. Here is a new one headed up by Col. Macgregor. https://republic.us/
But maybe you also view any action taken by individuals as exercised in futility.
One millimeter long ant walks toward a 1 in. gap in the leaves, and by the time he hooks up with the other ants there is a bridge spanning the gap.
I like what I see at this site from an ennoblement prospective. At current it's kind of like a YT without any video uploads, but hopefully it will fill out soon.
DeSantis, I think is a good man. Like saying Elon Musk is a good man. Either assessment based on actions taken leaves room for the absolutist to doubt.
With these people, actions are taken, and weighed as isolated events, as single footsteps that either advance toward to goal of away from it. Every move that is not dead ahead toward the target is evidence of betrayal to these people. It's like when Bill Maher goes against a leftist position, he is deemed a traitor to their cause. That's not the way I see it.
Did you see this new site started by Col. Douglas Macgregor? There are some good action links off of this site too. I think one might be the same as you mention here.
I could understand this being posted by this guy at some point before today. Did you read his tweets. He definitely seems to be claiming to have powers/connections he never had.
He was trying to recruit for Ukraine, and for Taiwan.
Barf! I can't stand hearing the name, or voice of Sean "bombshell" Hannity.
You say Facebook page, but looks like X post to me. Maybe I'm wrong cause I don't do Facebook and would not know what those looked like.
Yea like an NGO that is a front for CIA.
Time stamp on the live part I see has Hannity talking at 7:44 PM, and what he is saying is way behind where the story has progressed.
Wow, IMO it's ridiculous reaching like this that gives Q researchers a bad rap. RR is Rod Rosenstien, right?
Respectfully, I wish people would stop referring to the satanic leftist party as the Democrat Party.
Here is his archived Twitter page. (at least a bit of it)
Nitter a bit more: https://archive.is/Wwlo0
I guess I missed that. Thanks
This revelation was brought to light by the US media, in an interview of a former construction worker-turned-mercenary Ryan Routh. An American from Greensboro, North Carolina, Ryan Routh brazenly bragged to the NYT about his plans to recruit fighters for Ukraine from among Afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban. He revealed that he was going to purchase passports from Pakistan in order to facilitate the plot. Routh spent several months in Ukraine last year.
He plans to move them, in some cases illegally, from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine. Routh said dozens had expressed interest in the plan. “We can probably purchase some passports through Pakistan since it’s such a corrupt country’’, Routh said in the interview.
I guess the Vehicle tab of watchpeopledie.tv will be getting lots more entries.
Warning: That site contains video of intense death scenes that cannot be unseen. Do not Recommend Going There.