Not sure why the hate for saying Jesus Christ made furniture lol
But hey, cant please everyone and clearly people here think they are more informed. Welcome to the internet I suppose.
Ah, you posted an example of YOU being an asshole, insulting me with no basis or point to make.
I thought for sure you weren't stupid enough to post that one, considering how bad it makes you look. Thanks for proving my point, though. It's also nice that you can't read the comment you replied to.
Shut up! You conspiracy theorist, you...
Im kidding.
This fag has been on a rampage today.
Not sure why the hate for saying Jesus Christ made furniture lol But hey, cant please everyone and clearly people here think they are more informed. Welcome to the internet I suppose.
Participating in a discussion is, "going on a rampage today" according to you? And you call ME the fag?
Up to this point, I've made TWO comments today. Both are in this thread. Could you go lie somewhere else, please? That's not desired in this forum.
4 hours ago is not today?
Ah, you posted an example of YOU being an asshole, insulting me with no basis or point to make.
I thought for sure you weren't stupid enough to post that one, considering how bad it makes you look. Thanks for proving my point, though. It's also nice that you can't read the comment you replied to.
LOL okay