I don’t fully understand coriolis, but another posted pointed out bullets can’t correct their trajectory. Snipers only need to take this into account in rare extremely long distance scenarios where the slightest error of any kind will result in a miss. I’m sure there’s an element of coriolis that affects planes, helicopters, birds, etc., but would easily be corrected for, just like wind or any other condition and ultimately not noticeable.
As for the known distance test, that’s not something easily or quickly testable, which relies on where people live. I don’t have a large body of water to test distances out. I have however been to the beach multiple times in my life. With a wide swath of ocean visible, it’s easy to see the curvature comparing it to a flat and level object in the foreground. I checked the flatearth101 site for a few minutes and according to them, “water can’t curve.”
Also, I tried wrapping my head around the map, where Antarctica is a round border encircling the rest of the known earth with the North Pole in the middle. It would be extremely obvious to anyone traveling in our Southern Hemisphere to notice it takes ten times as long to travel East to West to your origin point than if you were in the northern hemisphere.
It doesn’t make sense that the sun sets if it’s just going in a big circle in the sky. It would change in scale if it was physically moving away from our position and would just look like it was making a big loop in the sky.
At this point, I’m starting to believe this is all just trolling and distracting from real issues.
See, I dont know about flat earth, YET these are still good questions.......
I would love to see one of those satellites that can see if a dime is heads or tails on Earth and have it take a picture of all those upsided down people and objects in Australia.
Great argument. I’m convinced now.
I don’t fully understand coriolis, but another posted pointed out bullets can’t correct their trajectory. Snipers only need to take this into account in rare extremely long distance scenarios where the slightest error of any kind will result in a miss. I’m sure there’s an element of coriolis that affects planes, helicopters, birds, etc., but would easily be corrected for, just like wind or any other condition and ultimately not noticeable.
As for the known distance test, that’s not something easily or quickly testable, which relies on where people live. I don’t have a large body of water to test distances out. I have however been to the beach multiple times in my life. With a wide swath of ocean visible, it’s easy to see the curvature comparing it to a flat and level object in the foreground. I checked the flatearth101 site for a few minutes and according to them, “water can’t curve.”
Also, I tried wrapping my head around the map, where Antarctica is a round border encircling the rest of the known earth with the North Pole in the middle. It would be extremely obvious to anyone traveling in our Southern Hemisphere to notice it takes ten times as long to travel East to West to your origin point than if you were in the northern hemisphere.
It doesn’t make sense that the sun sets if it’s just going in a big circle in the sky. It would change in scale if it was physically moving away from our position and would just look like it was making a big loop in the sky.
At this point, I’m starting to believe this is all just trolling and distracting from real issues.
See, I dont know about flat earth, YET these are still good questions.......
I would love to see one of those satellites that can see if a dime is heads or tails on Earth and have it take a picture of all those upsided down people and objects in Australia.
Would be a cool ass picture.