Like I said, to think we're the only intelligent life in the universe with more stars than three times the number of grains of sand on earth makes the question pretty stupid to me. Over 100,000 people kept the Manhattan Project a secret and unless the News tells it over and over again no one's going to believe it. this is not something you need to keep secret. It's harder to reveal it than to conceal it. We have mountains of credible witness testimony and even footage off the space shuttle. No they were not dust bunnies so don't be naive when they try and spin the story into something even less believable.
My rebuttal would only be that 100,000 people worked on pieces of the project with most never knowing what all the pieces made.
At any one time, for decades, hundreds of thousands would have to actually know they exist with 'proof' they can now snapshot with their phone, or otherwise provide evidence of their existence. We had rumors and allegations of Echelon/Five Eyes before it was ever declassified, or the stealth bombers, etc but no one says look at this alien craft or person.
Like I said, to think we're the only intelligent life in the universe with more stars than three times the number of grains of sand on earth makes the question pretty stupid to me. Over 100,000 people kept the Manhattan Project a secret and unless the News tells it over and over again no one's going to believe it. this is not something you need to keep secret. It's harder to reveal it than to conceal it. We have mountains of credible witness testimony and even footage off the space shuttle. No they were not dust bunnies so don't be naive when they try and spin the story into something even less believable.
My rebuttal would only be that 100,000 people worked on pieces of the project with most never knowing what all the pieces made.
At any one time, for decades, hundreds of thousands would have to actually know they exist with 'proof' they can now snapshot with their phone, or otherwise provide evidence of their existence. We had rumors and allegations of Echelon/Five Eyes before it was ever declassified, or the stealth bombers, etc but no one says look at this alien craft or person.