Look I'm way angst too right now but this is at least something that is positive and possible. I would rather it say indicted than implicated and I'm also hoping Trump has a damn good reason for pushing these vaccines right now too, Im hoping everything will come together somehow.
I think a lot of us are struggling from day to day and existing solely on the whiff of hopium. The wins of the day are great, but in total what do we have? The issue of the CCP influence on career swampers seems to be pretty clear cut - the DoD, DoJ, FBI, CIA etc are doing exactly what they are designed to do and that is to support the swamp. The evidence of the audits is overwhelming and the Resident is clearly incompetent, the last report from the Fake Whitehouse was overwhelmingly phoned-in, and the language surrounding the unvaccinated population is becoming more and more aggressive (Lori Lightfoot, Biden amongst others - there are many more), and we are getting closer and closer to a vaxx passport as the economy takes a shit, and people are living in abject fear and psychological terror (fear for survival). Trump is pushing the vaxx. That was it for me and no amount of mental gymnastics will support his compliance in that - I assume we have all seen the Carrie Madej/Judy Mikovits footage on what is in the death jab, and we are all aware that the VAERS info is just the tip of the iceberg. Some weird shit is going on w Flynn and Lin Wood and that gang, and nothing is happening about censorship, the faked supply lines problems and the fact that the central bank cartels are creating inflation so that food now costs up to 25% more since this time last year. I don't think people are waking up as they are still wondering around with masks when alone in the car and also in public (you know those paper masks from the box which has it printed that they are useless for COVID?) and the bogus tests have been admitted by the CDC to be bogus, the CDC being a private company that makes money from patenting vaccines. The dumb MSM continues to be egregiously dumb and nothing seems to be happening to the pedos and libtards that are busted being either crooked or pedophilic and life goes on in a downward spiral. It doesn't look good, and I wish it looked a lot better, but sometimes it might be better to just face the facts, whatever they are and realize that no savior is coming to make it all better. The decades of trauma and exposure to overall ugliness of the world has made us this way and the Jackboot is coming down on the necks of the citizens in Europe who are protesting in the streets, as Austria promises to hunt people down to "vaccinate" them against a bioweapon that has a tiny fatality rate. None of it makes sense, but until the fiat currency is replaced and the swamp is drained, none of it makes a difference, and I wish it weren't so.
Aaaann nothing will happen.
Look I'm way angst too right now but this is at least something that is positive and possible. I would rather it say indicted than implicated and I'm also hoping Trump has a damn good reason for pushing these vaccines right now too, Im hoping everything will come together somehow.
I think a lot of us are struggling from day to day and existing solely on the whiff of hopium. The wins of the day are great, but in total what do we have? The issue of the CCP influence on career swampers seems to be pretty clear cut - the DoD, DoJ, FBI, CIA etc are doing exactly what they are designed to do and that is to support the swamp. The evidence of the audits is overwhelming and the Resident is clearly incompetent, the last report from the Fake Whitehouse was overwhelmingly phoned-in, and the language surrounding the unvaccinated population is becoming more and more aggressive (Lori Lightfoot, Biden amongst others - there are many more), and we are getting closer and closer to a vaxx passport as the economy takes a shit, and people are living in abject fear and psychological terror (fear for survival). Trump is pushing the vaxx. That was it for me and no amount of mental gymnastics will support his compliance in that - I assume we have all seen the Carrie Madej/Judy Mikovits footage on what is in the death jab, and we are all aware that the VAERS info is just the tip of the iceberg. Some weird shit is going on w Flynn and Lin Wood and that gang, and nothing is happening about censorship, the faked supply lines problems and the fact that the central bank cartels are creating inflation so that food now costs up to 25% more since this time last year. I don't think people are waking up as they are still wondering around with masks when alone in the car and also in public (you know those paper masks from the box which has it printed that they are useless for COVID?) and the bogus tests have been admitted by the CDC to be bogus, the CDC being a private company that makes money from patenting vaccines. The dumb MSM continues to be egregiously dumb and nothing seems to be happening to the pedos and libtards that are busted being either crooked or pedophilic and life goes on in a downward spiral. It doesn't look good, and I wish it looked a lot better, but sometimes it might be better to just face the facts, whatever they are and realize that no savior is coming to make it all better. The decades of trauma and exposure to overall ugliness of the world has made us this way and the Jackboot is coming down on the necks of the citizens in Europe who are protesting in the streets, as Austria promises to hunt people down to "vaccinate" them against a bioweapon that has a tiny fatality rate. None of it makes sense, but until the fiat currency is replaced and the swamp is drained, none of it makes a difference, and I wish it weren't so.
Trump is only pro vaccine for optics. If he was anti vaccine then all of us would be anti vaccine racist Trump supporters.
It would give legacy media even more language to use against us
He could also say nothing about the jab and he would not lose any credibility or traction with his supporters.