I’m sitting here on a long 12 hour shift with my engineering partner discussing major accomplishments of the modern era. It seems to always go back to magnetism. Magnets are incredible tools, and magnetism is even more incredible, yet we have no universities or trade schools openly diving into educating the populous about their incredible abilities.
Give me your thoughts, why is the entire magnetic field being covered up and overlooked by the modern educational system. Are they afraid we’re going re-discover free energy?
This is the problem. I'm very aware of non-dualisim, Electric universe, and am very knowledgeable about the Law of One material. But for some reason I can never put it into practice. I hold myself back and don't really know why I do or even how I do.
Its frustrating.
I was very recently in the same shoes. Only been spiritually awake for about a year. Before this i was whole hearted athiest. Now I hold more Christian views, but with my own understandings. In my opinion Faith is very personal and shouldnt be held to strict measurement by a book written 1700 years ago, sorry that sounded shrewd, text often is this way. Understanding and breaking down Jesus teaching boils down to peace and love, compassion. It's the filler stuff that has been corrupted by Men....the Authoritarian malarkey. But I digress. I started to want to feel something more. I felt numb inside. I started working with Energy, Crystals. I started actually FEELING the Energy the stones were emitting, and where they were activating. It started in small steps. Put your scientific annalistic mind to rest. Meditate deeply, let you mind go blank and imagine a movie. Let that play, dont focus on the small details, surf the wave of information. Then analyze after. Do this more and more it becomes easier. Mental/spiritual development is like a muscle. We as a collective need to exercise more of. Hope this helps you dude.
I guess I just need to practice more.
no u