She can definitely submit her own religious exemption, please check out coffeeandcovid, there are many great legal resources there as well as just reading up on title VII of the civil rights act, even the governments website on it is full of info on how to approach and succeed at getting a religious exemption. Document all comms where they claimed she could not do it, that will be rock solid evidence of them violating federal law. Stay strong, stand up to these bullies, they are in the wrong and they know it but it all a big game of chicken, only the one who balks loses.
It’s up to her supervisor to input her individual submission thru LEAF. And her Supervisor has stalemated. So our attorney submitted it. Now she has to isolate. Seems like retaliation.
She can definitely submit her own religious exemption, please check out coffeeandcovid, there are many great legal resources there as well as just reading up on title VII of the civil rights act, even the governments website on it is full of info on how to approach and succeed at getting a religious exemption. Document all comms where they claimed she could not do it, that will be rock solid evidence of them violating federal law. Stay strong, stand up to these bullies, they are in the wrong and they know it but it all a big game of chicken, only the one who balks loses.
It’s up to her supervisor to input her individual submission thru LEAF. And her Supervisor has stalemated. So our attorney submitted it. Now she has to isolate. Seems like retaliation.