posted ago by patriotic_legend ago by patriotic_legend +11 / -0

So, this morning my brother calls me, late 40s. I will spare you all the extraneous details. He took the J and J early, he is a conservative, travels a lot on business and was worried about the pressure he would have to get it. My other brother and I tried to talk him out of it for hours. Didn't work.

Anyway since then he has become more red pilled about the jab, he did not get a booster. But last weekend he went to a private party at the country club he belongs to. He told me it was a vaxxed only party. He said it pissed him off, but he still went. He said that is where he must have gotten covid. He said many from the party are now feeling sick. Maybe this will red pill a lot of the people there.

I am confident my brother will be fine, he is in good health, I gave him some vitamins I had to do the zelenko protocol. Told him I could find Ivermectin if he wants it and went over monoclonals.

I don't want to diminish the minimal risk he has or the chance he passes it to our Dad and I don't believe in Karma, but a vaxxed party becoming a super spreader event seems like poetic justice. Hoping it wakes more people up, praying that everyone recovers safely regardless of their misguided trust in the jab.

So 1 month ago they mention Omicron and predict its spread and it happens. It seems very planned and orchestrated. I think there are logical 3 scenarios for what it is:

  1. the white hats sent it out to gain herd immunity as it seems more mild.

  2. It is a natural mutation, which usually do spread faster and are less dangerous, but they seemed to spot on with their prediction for me to believe this.

  3. The jab itself is Omicron, viral shedding from the big run on children and boosters. If this is the case does shedding impact the vaxxed more than the vaccine free?

Any thoughts?