Unfortunately, I'm a student from Massachusetts and I want to finish my education. This is in conflict with my goals since many Massachusetts universities, at once, started demanding that students get the booster for the Spring 2022 semester. After long deliberation with friends, family, and with myself... I decided to make the hard decision and get the booster. When I first vaccinated myself in early 2021, I had done so without the knowledge of how the vaccine worked. Now I know and vowed not to get the booster. Today, I have broken that vow.
For all of you who aren't going to college, be grateful for your decision. For those who are in college but live in a freedom lovin' state, be especially grateful for your position. I pray that I won't experience any long-term side-effects, but it's a decision I have to make for the future I want. Also, I pray that no one here will end up in the same position as me.
Fair Winds
You should say "immediate reaction". Reactions are happening 5-6 months down the road.
I don't think I should say 'immediate reaction'. My numbers are based on the European vaccine adverse event reporting system. They do not only consider immediate effects.
I know, but people think a reaction is immediate. They don't think of myo/pericarditis 5 months down the road.
Yeah, that is a weakness of the adverse event reporting system. Who knows how many cases of heart/clot/nerve problems are associated with the vaccine, or how long after the shot you can report something.
I know many people here believe the vaccine is a death sentence, but I don't believe that. It would be irrational for our enemy to do that. We would be in a Mad Max world, and there would be millions of unvaxxed people who have lost their families and don't care about anything but revenge. I don't think they want that.
It is a death sentence, it's just slow. More jabs speeds it up (moar spikes). That's the diabolical genius in a nutshell - plausible deniability.