Frens…. I have limited friends due to my positions on where I think we are in this movie - still so many people still in the ‘Matrix’. - I choose to isolate even though I am naturally social - this has been a tough adjustment for me … Ya see I have trouble being around people who spew disinformation about a virus that is no more dangerous than the common cold… and As if on que (no pun) my cousin decided to cancel Xmas this year because the media instilled fear and panic to the point of paralysis… I am so sick of stupid people! We haven’t had a family gathering in 2 fucking years!
When does this fucking END??
They are being told that canceling Christmas or shunning you is the “right” thing to do. I mean, the brainwashing they are getting is just relentless. So, if you are a Christian (or even if you aren’t), pray for them, specifically pray that truth is revealed to them. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life...” Then, ask God what he would like you to do. And take this year to create a new thing—make it a holy time, one in which the busyness is exchanged for purposeful worship of Christ. If you are alone, walk your neighborhood, praying for them. Find a nearby church offering a Christmas Eve, study the story of Christ’s birth.