Surprised after 12 posts yesterday, most lambasting Trump, no one has posted what Candace Owens had to say about all this vaxx flap.
"While the media claimed Trump “rebuked” Owens’ “anti-vax talking points,” the pair cordially discussed the vaccine and both agreed that mandates are anti-freedom — something the media left out.
Owens slammed the framing of their discussion as “dishonest.”"
""What?! LOL This is such a dishonest headline,” Owens reacted. “Trump did not push back against anything I said. We agreed that vaccine mandates and masking children are wrong. He simply expressed that he believes vaccines work and people should get them.”"
More details here:
I'm sure this post will bring out the howling anti-Trump shills. My advice - don't get your news from the Daily Beast and never believe anything they write. They're 100% leftist propaganda and 0% news.
I just copy pasta this as a comment I made to another post this morning
I have no issue with Trump being pro-vax and I am happy that he is strongly anti-mandate.
What I do have an issue with is his WORDS stating that is the unvaccinated who are the ones getting sick, going into the hospital….because they don’t take the vaccine.
TRUMP QUOTE From the Candace Owens interview
These WORDS are what are giving ammunition to the pro-vaccine crowd...that it is the unvaccinated who are to BLAME for the hospitals being full and the reason that society is still shut down.
In my country...they blame the unvaccinated for everything…not being able to travel, businesses closing down, breakthrough covid in the vaccinated, killing grandma…etc.
It is these WORDS…”the ones that get very sick…that don’t take the vaccine.” These WORDS are what caused people to lose or quit their jobs, these words are the reason people are attacking the unvaccinated as if they were “selfish untouchables” they cannot invite to Christmas dinner.
These WORDS are the reason the unvaccinated have become “verboten”… just as the Jews were in 1930s Germany.
If Trump or anyone in his inner circle can “explain” the reasoning of why they would shoot these arrows at the unvaccinated…it would be greatly appreciated.
Ultimately this entire conversation needs to open up “to the truth” as to why young athletes are getting myocarditis, and why so many others are getting injured from the vaccine. Is this the truth? Or is the DS using more disinformation on the unvaccinated?
Are all these stories just fake news to incite fear in people and to prevent people from getting the vaccine and therefore causing more division?
What is the end game?
Where are the strategical thinkers? Everyone is ignoring he said this, even Candace in her “clarification”.
Where is the Anon’s brilliant hive mind on this issue?
Speak your truth here.
You are of course right. Any of us who watch the interview saw the words Trump used. They can't be walked back. Either he means them or he doesn't and neither option is a good one
Trump is playing a role : the movie and its ending are not for everyone - I believe we’re talking about 2 different vaccines / check the news - Operation Warp Speed was always the military Vaccine - the messaging while disturbing - maybe required?