Whoever reads this, I love you.
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Really struggling to feel the love this Christmas especially from any sort of higher power
All I see is death and misery. I have lost a parent and a grandparent this year. I feel abandoned by God.
God cannot abandon you because He is in every one of us.
He will test you, but only you can abandon God.
It's a hell of a test. Not sure how much more pain I can endure.
Seriously though. What kind of awful test is this? The fuck did I do to deserve this? I want to be unmade by this accursed "Creator". He made me just to suffer? Really?
Think of the story of Job. Don't let the evil ones temptations entice you. Think of all he lost, and how he was afflicted with such misery. Being blameless he felt forsaken, but in the end he was blessed double.
Troubled times sharpen your spirit. If life was easy how easy it would be to have faith. Yet in hard times having faith requires more. Its difficult yes. But always remember no matter how bad you have it in life there is some who is out that who is in a far worse situation and needs those with faith to pray for them.
Im sure a lot of us here could tell you our heartbreaking life stories.