I'm in an odd situation right now. Almost so sad I don't want to admit but I have to. I have missed a very rare opportunity to bond with my estranged brother who I was hoping to redpill. All because of a scheduling mixup with my workplace we didn't think ahead on travel arrangements and I have been left behind until tomorrow when my other family member is going. Had I thought to just go along with them we could be catching up in the car for hours while he's jetlagged, along with my mom, who is on my side. I can't believe what I missed.
And here I am at home tonight. No one else is home. All my friends are asleep. Bored out of my mind.
If anyone wants to chat I'll be up late.
I am on my own as well. I have not seen my daughter and s-i-l for 2 years and my darling long haired Alsatian has jut died. Am I miserable and lonely? No. I have the joy of knowing how much Jesus and God the Father love me, I rejoice in my blessings. Faith and salvation are what keep me going, I highly recommend them to all :)
Everything is for a reason and for a season. Being alone means you have time to think and to listen. That is precious: use it instead of getting swamped with negative thoughts and emotions.
I lost my two closest friends a decade ago: one was my dearest sister in Christ and a sort of mother figure. Very wise, mature Christian. She lived miles away but we would often have early morning phone chats over tea together and talk. Many times I told her of something that was troubling me and she'd say "Ah, wait - I was reading this book and a passage stood out - it for you" I was, and spoke directly to my situation. When she died, my last human prop was removed and I learned to go directly to the Lord for advice.
Time on one's own is a gift, you put it to good use. Use it to grow.
I'm sorry. I don't have kids, but that's crazy. I wish I could hug you.
Man, that is just sick. Sorry fren! Merry Christmas! May God bless you.