I have 3 young cousins that I adore and I know i'm going to be the one to look after them soon as their parents are fully jabbed and already unwell as it is. Their parents are against the vax but took it to keep their job, so they said. Today one of my cousins spent Christmas day inside because she was sick. When I asked what was wrong with her they just said oh she's just had a bad stomach ache the past couple days, only for my 6 year old cousins to blurt out NO MUM SHE WAS SICK SINCE SHE GOT THE COVID VACCINE. My heart sunk as they promised they would never vax the kids. I know a lot of us have been through a lot and i'm not down playing anyone else's problems but i've been going though some SERIOUS shit fighting this covid tyranny, like they tried to give me 13 years for "domestic terrorism" kind of shit (i live in australia) and all my family members know this. What do I do here? Do I confront them and make sure they don't give her the second? They aren't my kids but fucking hell I can't just sit by and watch my family members kill eachother. If you guys have any info that might convince them out of the second shot, any vax remedies, literally anything. just need some help :(
merry christmas americafags x
I have changed my tactics for the most part from ‘explaining’, which coming from someone in the rabbit holes for 10 years to a completely oblivious turd makes you appear K a R a Z y.......to blunt passive aggressive sarcasm.
If you are blunt enough I think many can be scared into doing their own research. Like, if someone is virtue signaling their 1st booster shot, simply start walking away with an incredulous look on your face and say “Wow - sure hope you got the placebo and not the HIV vial”