I have 3 young cousins that I adore and I know i'm going to be the one to look after them soon as their parents are fully jabbed and already unwell as it is. Their parents are against the vax but took it to keep their job, so they said. Today one of my cousins spent Christmas day inside because she was sick. When I asked what was wrong with her they just said oh she's just had a bad stomach ache the past couple days, only for my 6 year old cousins to blurt out NO MUM SHE WAS SICK SINCE SHE GOT THE COVID VACCINE. My heart sunk as they promised they would never vax the kids. I know a lot of us have been through a lot and i'm not down playing anyone else's problems but i've been going though some SERIOUS shit fighting this covid tyranny, like they tried to give me 13 years for "domestic terrorism" kind of shit (i live in australia) and all my family members know this. What do I do here? Do I confront them and make sure they don't give her the second? They aren't my kids but fucking hell I can't just sit by and watch my family members kill eachother. If you guys have any info that might convince them out of the second shot, any vax remedies, literally anything. just need some help :(
merry christmas americafags x
My heart breaks as you endure this tragedy with your family. If adults make a choice that adversely affects them it is one thing but adults making choices that injure kids is SO wrong. Unfortunately they have drunk the kool-aid. Do you think your family would even take anything since they seem to be all-in with the vaxes? There have been lots of links posted about what you can take after the poison shot but I have not used anything for that. God has always answered my prayers about finding what I need medically when I need it so please take the time to consult Him. He has ALL the answers. Like you, I have been over all this a LONG time ago. God bless you and your family...God loves them so much more than you can ever imagine. Sometimes we need to endure and persevere and that is hard to do. I will certainly pray for your family.
they aren't stupid people so I think they'll be very open to hearing my case (again). Just need to bring a binder full of notes next time to ram the message through lol. Thanks for the message <3
I want to build a binder of evidence to keep around. I have researched much of this but find it hard to remember in the moment when I'm confronted with any opposition. I can explain the gist of it but all the good details are usually hard to recall.
It's actually insane the level of knowledge you need to keep up to date with and have researched.
It's literally become a fulltime job for me ontop of my normal job and studying for something else at the same time.
You need to understand the basics of virology, immunology, epidemiology, reading medical journals, understanding enough about medical journals/stats to know when they are lying, or knowing enough about the subject to be aware of what they are NOT saying which is the revealing part. Msm, gov, how gov decisions are made, pharma, pharmas past crimes and how they relate, you need to have stats ready for all these things. Looked into masks, lockdowns, mrna therapy history, regular vaccine history.
Your also totally right that you need to come prepared to the table with the counter points that msm has made to attempt to debunk these points.
I am in the middle of my degree but the minute I get a chance to breath I am going to attempt to collate all my information gathered into an understandable way as a means of acting as a layman's guide to discussing this topic. The problem is that the info just keeps adding up. Literally everyday there is something new.
I think the only way to get good at this is to practice it. Even if it's In your own head. If someone says this to me what am I going to reply? Alot of info needs to be committed to memory as people are far more impressed/interested/believing of you if you can instantly tell them there and then the information. If you can then say here's the journal or paper that backs that up after the fact even better. I recommend looking at Facebook convos for the type of responses people will give. Type up responses to them as to how you would answer, but don't send it. Do it afew times and you start to get into the mind set. I'm no expert and it is often hard to keep your cool but that if anything is 100% the most Important thing.