I have 3 young cousins that I adore and I know i'm going to be the one to look after them soon as their parents are fully jabbed and already unwell as it is. Their parents are against the vax but took it to keep their job, so they said. Today one of my cousins spent Christmas day inside because she was sick. When I asked what was wrong with her they just said oh she's just had a bad stomach ache the past couple days, only for my 6 year old cousins to blurt out NO MUM SHE WAS SICK SINCE SHE GOT THE COVID VACCINE. My heart sunk as they promised they would never vax the kids. I know a lot of us have been through a lot and i'm not down playing anyone else's problems but i've been going though some SERIOUS shit fighting this covid tyranny, like they tried to give me 13 years for "domestic terrorism" kind of shit (i live in australia) and all my family members know this. What do I do here? Do I confront them and make sure they don't give her the second? They aren't my kids but fucking hell I can't just sit by and watch my family members kill eachother. If you guys have any info that might convince them out of the second shot, any vax remedies, literally anything. just need some help :(
merry christmas americafags x
My heart breaks as you endure this tragedy with your family. If adults make a choice that adversely affects them it is one thing but adults making choices that injure kids is SO wrong. Unfortunately they have drunk the kool-aid. Do you think your family would even take anything since they seem to be all-in with the vaxes? There have been lots of links posted about what you can take after the poison shot but I have not used anything for that. God has always answered my prayers about finding what I need medically when I need it so please take the time to consult Him. He has ALL the answers. Like you, I have been over all this a LONG time ago. God bless you and your family...God loves them so much more than you can ever imagine. Sometimes we need to endure and persevere and that is hard to do. I will certainly pray for your family.
they aren't stupid people so I think they'll be very open to hearing my case (again). Just need to bring a binder full of notes next time to ram the message through lol. Thanks for the message <3
Would you be open to listening to them ram their message of Pro Vax to you? Because that's what your going to get. Would YOU change your mind?
I mean... You can see this fight coming .. right?
As President Trump said (speaking on mandates) this week.. 'It's a personal decision people make and should be NOBODY elses business'.
The following rant is brought to you by Frustration. Frustration: the best in the frustrating industries for over 80 years.
The rant is NOT directed at anyone in this thread but is something I have to get off my chest.
I have never backed down on any of this nonsense to any of my relatives. But I also don’t come at them like a crazy evangelist talking about certain doom and death from taking these things because, the truth is, most people who have taken them are just fine. I personally work in a situation with roughly 500 other people and not one of them has had an adverse event and all of them took it except for me and two other people. Doesn’t mean these things aren’t poison, doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous, but it adds context that I think some people are missing so I want to talk about it. Because we often approach evangelizing our viewpoint without keeping that context in mind that, not yet, have people started dropping like flies. They will. But not yet. But most of the people in the truth community have absolutely no idea how to approach other people. They don’t, they do things without context.
Thousands have been murdered by these things, not millions. Not yet. So when you tell them they’re going to die with immediacy, and they are fine two months after the shot, you’re the one that’s nuts.
This is why I offend so many people, by endlessly insisting that we do a better job in this community of getting things right, stop talking out our asses about stuff we don’t actually understand, etc.
And we have people who de facto represent us who know absolutely nothing about vaccines, their mechanism, DNA, or the rules or regulations of the pharmaceutical industry, how studies are conducted, how they are published, making asses of themselves on a daily basis and making the rest of us look nuts. I’m the bad guy for pointing out when we should be doing better, but the credibility of all of us suffers. People get offended that I call out those who completely wrecked our credibility, but I’m not the one wrecking our credibility. I don’t speak about something to normies unless I have something intelligent to say on the subject. I’ll jump in on conversations in places like this when maybe I’m not qualified because I know you people will correct me and I’ll learn from. But that’s not how you approach Normies unless you want to come off like a nut case.
We have a number of “experts“ in virology and epidemiology, DNA and genetics apparently, around here, who say some of the most earth shatteringly stupid things I’ve ever seen on the Internet - because they parrot what they saw in a video - and I can’t even believe their family would ever sit down with them and talk about any of this.
Here’s the part where you all hate me and I get banned: that’s not on them, that’s on you. You are the one who did that. You’re the one that put them in a position to think you’re nuts.
I’ve cut my family out of my life by my choice. Not because they think I’m some kind of wacko. Generally speaking if your family thinks you are nuts, there’s something wrong with the way you approach them. Or they never trusted you in the first place. Can you even imagine someone complaining that their entire family thinks they are crazy and not figuring out that that’s at least partially their own fault? It’s like that guy at work who insists that everyone else is an asshole. Most families don’t just turn their backs on people and call them lunatics for fun. It takes a little something.
If there are subjects that I am not qualified to speak about, I will find someone else who does a better job of it, with credentials, and show them what that person has to say about it. I don’t just go running with every stupid meme or video that I come across because 90+ percent of them are full of mistakes and bullshit. They just are. And we end up looking ridiculous. Even many of these illustrious doctors whose tweets and comments support things we believe… well… some just aren’t very smart, or their credentials have been exaggerated, and when we pass along information with obvious glaring holes in it, that doesn’t just reflect poorly on them it reflects poorly on us for sharing it. We need to be more selective.
I think many of the problems we have proselytizing for our cause comes from our inability to recognize that we might be in over our heads on a subject or that we too often push information that actually isn’t very well presented or is full of enough inaccuracies and holes that it takes away all of our credibility. We need more discernment, and again, I’ll be the bad guy for saying that. That we should have higher standards than they do, that we should be more honest than they are, we should have our ducks in a row better than they do, those are the high standards I have or I won’t talk on a subject. But then people get mad at me for saying we should have those high standards. OK, if that’s the case, then enjoy having no credibility with your family.
Just the other day, that video of the woman in CVS, there were a number of statements made in the video and made about the video that are wildly inaccurate, have easy explanations, and when we share stuff like that it really truly makes us look stupid to people who actually have experience in the pharmaceutical industry, epidemiology, virology, etc.
Some of the things she said were so shockingly ignorant of the way studies work, information is presented to consumers at that level, and the responsibilities of the pharmacist that my hand was on my forehead for the entire video. And yet here we are, thousands of us passing it along as if it’s some amazing “gotcha” moment when it’s not. It really isn’t.
I don’t know a damn thing about astronomy. I’m not going to go up to an astronomer with what I think are pointed or trick questions or leading questions to try to make a point in a video and then pass it along once I get what I think I’m looking for. I don’t know enough to even know if what I think I’m getting is good info. Or accurate. I know better than to mess with that. I’ll get embarrassed because I’ll say something incredibly stupid about astronomy because I, again, know nothing about it.
We need more discernment, we need to be more careful, because our credibility is a precious commodity that many in our community tried to give away over the last five years in particular. We really need to stop doing that.
I absolutely agree with your sentiments and message.
It's hard for people though that they feel deep down they know the vaccines are dangerous, they may not know why or the reasons they say its dangerous are not the real reasons or atleast the technicaly correct means of explaining it, but ultimately they just want to stop their loved ones from being hurt, I can absolutely understand that but like you said. Convincing someone of something is a skill in and of itself of it is not done in a very nuanced way then it just comes across as crazy at which point you've lost them.
Your also spot on about the numbers. While deaths and injuries are completely unacceptably high and should never have reached this point in the first place, people are not dying in their millions from it. It is going to be a slow burner and even then its going to be hidden behind a million different things that they can and will blame on other things. Heart attack, heart disease, etc etc. If we are lucky this won't even happen. I think it's unlikely there won't be long term worse effects but it's entirely possible. One thing that stuck with me in the Peter McCulloch podcast with rogan, the body is remarkably resilient and an amazing self healer. I don't want people to have problems in the future just so I can say I told you so.
All that being said, the fight for our bodily autonomy is no less important just because it is not killing millions (probably yet). It is still a hill I am willing to die on.