People I would never believe are starting to wake up. In my observation it is starting with criticism ofthe vaccine and drug companies. My older sister is a huge double boosted COVID fraidy cat, and she suggested yesterday that they probably don't promote therapeutics because of the money. Another neighborhood friend and mother to my sons' childhood best friends (she has two boys I have two boys) was saying that someone she knew with COVID took Ivermectin and was better in less than two days. My kids are pissed that they took vaccine and now both have COVID, as do their double vaxxed friends. For the first time since we started having this fight they are agreeing that the myocarditis side effects in people after the jab are worrisome. Neither is taking the booster.
These are huge small steps IMO .I try to remember that we didn't get where we are overnight and relatively speaking the awakening is moving at a pretty fast clip. Remember when Trump would say Fake News and people thought he was crazy? Most people of all stripes pretty much agree that the MSM news is fake.
Best Christmas present of all. MERRY CHRISTMAS Frens!
I'm so happy for you!
I don't want to derail this, but I have to vent, so excuse me:
I have to wait a bit longer for my family it seems. They are perfectly content taking a booster every 6 months.
My Dad: "Yeah you know, I do the flu shot every year, so it's not that big of a deal for me!(COUGH COUGH, HACK, WHEEZZE, COUGH - he's been sick for over a week)"
Me: "The flu shot is yearly. They're saying the booster will be required every 6 months"
My Dad: "(chuckling and brushing me off) It's not going to come to that, son"
Same with my Mom. Idk, it's weird. No one around me cares about this shit. And everyone is always sick now. Like, way more sick than they've ever been too. I've been seriously concerned for their lives a few times now. No interest in ivermectin, no interest in vitamin D, no nothing. They just aren't getting it. My Mom even has a blood clotting issue, and she's still down to get boosted every 6 months! Why are the people I love the most so dumb and inclined to hurt themselves?
It's very bizarre. I would have though 2 years was enough. I think your family still has a way to go, and mine has longer.
“It’s not going to come to that”. Famous last words. History is littered with people that said that, right before they were annihilated. Gotta keep your ear to the ground, and move through life with a hefty dose of skepticism.
You're not alone. We are going to visit my local parents this morning - first time in over a year seeing them because we are not vaxxed. Around midnight, my mother sends me an email laying out all of her protocols for visiting - outside, 6' social distancing, etc. I'm surprised my dog doesn't have to wear a mask. Now juxtapose this to the fact that my parents just returned from a 10 day cruise in the GReek Islands. All I could do was pray for a MORONIC outbreak on their cruise. No such luck.