I don't see Jones turning on Trump. I see him warning Trump for Trump's own good. And I believe his warning is entirely accurate. And his observation about the vaccines' purpose being to weaken humanity's immunity so we will be dependent on ongoing further gene interventions is something I've said almost verbatim. I don't follow Jones, and I know he can be bombastic and simply too much, but I pray Trump takes his warning here to heart, because it is correct and vital. This is no time for expediency at the cost of morality.
I don't see Jones turning on Trump. I see him warning Trump for Trump's own good. And I believe his warning is entirely accurate. And his observation about the vaccines' purpose being to weaken humanity's immunity so we will be dependent on ongoing further gene interventions is something I've said almost verbatim. I don't follow Jones, and I know he can be bombastic and simply too much, but I pray Trump takes his warning here to heart, because it is correct and vital. This is no time for expediency at the cost of morality.
I agree that Trump should not be pushing the jab. Why does Trump need to say anything at all about jab ? that is what baffles me.
Because it's a major life-altering issue of our day. He should be championing choice instead of paying it lip service, at the very least.
so much misinformation. I believe its all optics.