"anti-semite" is a weaponized word invented to shield bad people from criticism
"racist" and "sexist" are also weaponized words. "conspiracy theorist" as well.
one should disregard anyone who uses these types of weaponized words.
language is far more important than you may think. we need to start utilizing language in more effective ways. never say "covid" or "pandemic", it gives those concepts legitimacy.
"anti-semite" is a weaponized word invented to shield bad people from criticism
"racist" and "sexist" are also weaponized words. "conspiracy theorist" as well.
one should disregard anyone who uses these types of weaponized words.
language is far more important than you may think. we need to start utilizing language in more effective ways. never say "covid" or "pandemic", it gives those concepts legitimacy.
That is a racist remark. I have Jewish friends that don't give a toss about money.
When you talk about know them by their fruit put yourself in there too.
Jesus was born and died a Jew .. according to your what you profess to believe
Israelite. Big difference.