Please help save my marriage and maybe my life. I really need your help answering the following two questions and the source information for the answers:
Does the J&J or Phizer shot change your DNA?
Can you get VAIDS, ADE, (or something else) by having unprotected sex with a vaxxed person?
Will you please help? Give me proof – one way or the other. Prove me right or wrong, I just need to know. I know from reading GAW that I am not the only family with this struggle, one pureblood, one sheep. Please help us all. I know there are a ton of Vaccine questions, comments, and opinions and I greatly appreciate your help with these. It is my hope that yes, you will help save me, but more importantly, perhaps by helping me you will help save so many others who may be facing this struggle as well.
I am a pureblood. In March my husband got the J&J. In October he got the flu shot and in November he got a Phizer booster. He has refused to listen to or read any material I had at the time on the dangers of the vaxx. Since he and all of his family (all vaxxed) are all fine and “nobody died,” he thinks I’m crazy. (They all have tons of side effects that of course they don’t connect to the vaxx, but I digress.)
From everything I have read, these shots are dangerous to not just the person getting them, but to those around them. I have made him wear protection since his first shot in March. I have tried working with him but I am afraid for my life. At first he thought he would just humor me for a little while because he thought I was just a little crazy or going through some conspiracy theory phase and would eventually come to my senses. But now he has decided I am not just being crazy, I’m being mean and don’t love him or want to “be with him” any more. Nothing could be further from the truth. I adore this man and would love nothing better than for things to be the way they used to be between us.
Until a couple years ago when he had to have a triple by-pass, we were on the same page for the most part. We have been together twenty years and have endured many hardships, like the loss of my only child, my beloved son. We live and work on a large farm and are able to keep to ourselves during these crazy times. We camp, fish, ride horses, and hunt together. After the heart surgery, fear became his master. Fear of a common cold because it hurts him so much just to cough. Enter covid. He has gone from watching the news only for the weather forecast to watching every local station newscast morning, noon, and night and Nora O’Donnell is his goddess of truth.
He has finally agreed to read or watch my “crazy propaganda stuff.” He is finally starting to question somethings the news tells him, but is holding on tightly to what they tell him, but I see their hold on him beginning to crack ever so slightly. He told me just before Christmas, that he is willing to see what proof I have. He has given me about two weeks to provide information. If I cannot prove what I say, I have to “put out or get out.”
I know it may not sound like it from what I have just written, but I still believe this marriage is worth saving. Yes, I have faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and pray for guidance daily. I know that my Lord and Savior will be with me no matter the outcome. My GAW family is my last earthly hope. Do I stand my ground and maybe save my life or do I cave in and risk it. My heart is breaking for my husband, myself, and the many others I have read about on GAW going through similar struggles.
Mods, I ask that you please consider making this a stickie for a little while. I know I am but a humble relative newbie to this site but I have seen so many others comment of their similar struggle that I believe it could very well be life-saving to those on this site and to those we love and are trying to red-pill. Regardless of your decision to stickie or not to stickie, thank you all for your help and all you do.
I know it seems dire now. But, no one truly knows what the landscape we will be in in just 2-3 years down the road. There is also potential for your husband’s state of mind to alter if he’s able to get away from the doom of left wing media and co.
Don’t get the shot.
Given time, relationships can heal, but the shot certainly won’t afford you that same courtesy.
I’ve been following this particular thread since the jabs started. Share some of the comments with your husband. These are individuals desperate for help that they cannot find.
Don’t get the shot.
Thank you. I will not get the shot. I will check out this link. Thanks for your help.