I found it to be the complete opposite. I feel like it's the lefties, following gubment "it will be okay," while the right is screaming look up, LOOK, you can see the damn thing with your own eyes, i.e, the vax is poison bullshit, look at the studies, FUCKING OPEN YOUR EYES! No way, idiot women in charge (is it supposed to be Hilliary?) says it's going to be a-okay.
Either way, for those who didn't see it, it is two hours of my life I'll never get back.
I found it to be the complete opposite. I feel like it's the lefties, following gubment "it will be okay," while the right is screaming look up, LOOK, you can see the damn thing with your own eyes, i.e, the vax is poison bullshit, look at the studies, FUCKING OPEN YOUR EYES! No way, idiot women in charge (is it supposed to be Hilliary?) says it's going to be a-okay.
Either way, for those who didn't see it, it is two hours of my life I'll never get back.