Less than one year. Wait until they've had another 3 shots in 2022.
They're already aiming to ramp down booster intervals here in Australia to, (🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁) 3 MONTHS. Because the first 2 did sweet fuck-all to stop Moronicron, better keep sticking peeps with more of the same useless shite.
Current larp? "The vaxxes reduce the severity of Moronicron".
Less than one year. Wait until they've had another 3 shots in 2022.
They're already aiming to ramp down booster intervals here in Australia to, (🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁) 3 MONTHS. Because the first 2 did sweet fuck-all to stop Moronicron, better keep sticking peeps with more of the same useless shite.
Current larp? "The vaxxes reduce the severity of Moronicron".