List of states' laws that legalize weather manipulation and alteration?
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
A friend recently mentioned to me that their state (Ohio) has a law on the books that legalized the state or federal government to manipulate or alter weather by using airplanes or jets with aerosolized emissions and various tactics to control the weather.
Is anyone familiar with a list of all states in the USA with such laws documented? I think this kind of information could be very helpful to have as a reference for discussions.
"Real things" do not mean they are not conspiracies. This is an easily forgotten fact that is important to keep in mind. This is important and it is generally detrimental - especially when aluminum is used.
"Conspiracies" (far more often than not) we have now factually seen are actually true even when not founded on data that the "world at large" can readily accept. It is a sad thing, but it is indeed true and we must come to accept this in order to get to more information.