Correct, they are luciferians who must openly project their views to the masses while pretending to be something quite different. This is why all of them have male "wives" and not just Obama. Macron, Fauci, Gates etc. are all white, male Christians who are "married" to a man who pretends to be a woman.
Trump on the other hand is married to a BEAUTIFUL woman, loves God, America, Freedom and anyone else who stands with him against evil. His greatest friends include Israel and the Jewish people.
Correct, they are luciferians who must openly project their views to the masses while pretending to be something quite different. This is why all of them have male "wives" and not just Obama. Macron, Fauci, Gates etc. are all white, male Christians who are "married" to a man who pretends to be a woman.
Trump on the other hand is married to a BEAUTIFUL woman, loves God, America, Freedom and anyone else who stands with him against evil. His greatest friends include Israel and the Jewish people.