posted ago by Silo101 ago by Silo101 +7 / -0

Operation Warp Speed was to make a safe effective vaccine, not permission to continue with this pre planned pandemic. Trump put people in charge to do a job, people that were vetted by a system we are all meant to trust, people that have been doctors healing people for years, supposedly great people, and to him they did a great job and got a safe vaccine out (narrative is hes a boomer only listens to MSM)

In reality the people put in charge didnt do that, they followed their plandemic and gave everyone a pre planned, premade, dangerous shot, including Trump. When it comes out that all this was planned for years meticulously WE HAVE EVERYTHING Trump and all the mainstream white hats are gonna be very sympathetic because they took the vaccine just like the normies, and the common enemy will be the Deep State, through the medical industry at that point.