Greetings, my dearest anon frens. Thanks to your incredible response to my previous post last week, many on here DM'd me and asked me to elaborate more upon how to fight this whole 'spiritual war' thingy. So well, here goes nothing. And yes, this post is WELL WORTH every second you spend reading it, I GUARANTEE YOU THAT.
So well, here goes nothing...!
For starters, a 'spiritual war' is fought primarily through the power of "good energy", namely, through prayers, blessings, and meditations. So yes, please, PLEASE RECOGNIZE the sheer POWER of your PRAYER and LEARN how to do prayers RIGHT! And I'm going to explain this a tad bit in here, for everyone who's new to this shit.
THE CORE UNDERSTANDING: Your FOCUS (ATTENTION) and your PRAYER are ONE AND THE SAME. Whatever "reality" you place your most FOCUS and ATTENTION on, GOD sends energy to THAT VERY REALITY. Whatever you EXPECT becomes REAL. Read that again, whatever you EXPECT BECOMES REAL. This is Divine LAW.
A very simple example of this: Have you ever wondered why "woke" people ALWAYS seem to keep finding something NEW and FRESH to be outraged about? It doesn't MATTER if the situation is REAL, IRRELEVANT or even utterly IMAGINARY, THEY can sure find a way to get outraged about it! Because "things wrong with the world" is the ONLY thing that they are FOCUSED ON, and so, that is EXACTLY what they PRAY FOR, and exactly what they (therefore) GET. Similarly, ANONS on here are ALWAYS on the lookout for SIGNS (such as a 'Q' symbol etc.), and so, THEY are the ONES who are always able to FIND THEM with the most ease (and even on a most regular basis at that!).
What you FOCUS ON the MOST (be it "real" or "imaginary"), you GET.
What you place your ATTENTION ON the MOST, you ATTRACT into your life.
What you PRAY FOR the MOST, comes into your LIFE.
You Ask and Pray with your FOCUS and your FOCUS alone.
And it doesn't matter if your focus is on something "imaginary" or something "real". God brings it to you ALL THE SAME. And THAT, is exactly why I highlighted the word IMAGINARY when talking about the "woke" folks earlier. Because even if they IMAGINE that the world is all racist, sexist, misogynist etc., to God, they are sending a PRAYER that THIS IS HOW I'D LIKE MY WORLD TO BE. And then, such is GIVEN to them. Easy peasy.
So then, how do you use these prayers to your ADVANTAGE instead of your DISADVANTAGE?
Simple. One, quit fucking DOOMING. And Two, start VISUALIZING / IMAGINING your dream reality as much as you can (remember, the more your FOCUS on something, the more you ATTRACT IT into your lives!) So, go VISUALIZE and PRAY FOR a reality in which ALL people are ABUNDANT and PROSPEROUS. A reality in which ALL live in LOVE and HARMONY with one another. A reality in which ALL are FREE, SOVEREIGN, and utterly CARED FOR. A reality based on TRUTH and JUSTICE. A reality in which children are FREE TO PLAY and FREE TO BE and PROTECTED FROM ALL EVIL. A reality in which HEALTH, GOVERNANCE, FINANCE, EDUCATION, MEDIA, SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY and what-else-have-you are in the hands of GOOD and WISE people and are put to the greatest benefit of ALL HUMANKIND accordingly. A reality of complete and total PEACE, LOVE, and UNITY. A reality that the Christed One would be fucking proud of.
FOCUS on it WHENEVER you find free time, and, here's a secret (to getting to that reality faster): FEEL IN EVERY LAST BONE OF YOUR BODY as if you ALREADY HAVE BEEN GIVEN what you have been asking for. Because in any case, GOD DENIES NO PRAYER, and so, KNOW that "it is already given" and FEEL IT as if you're living that new life (on that new world) right NOW. And KEEP DOING THIS DILIGENTLY until this reality becomes your REALITY (and do NOT "give up" no matter WHAT).
Three, a little secret. When multiple people come TOGETHER to FOCUS (at the EXACT SAME TIME) on the EXACT SAME prayer (i.e. visualization / imagination), the sheer POWER of their prayer increases EXPONENTIALLY. What does exponentially even mean here? If I had to explain it in school-type maths, if A had 10 chocolates, B had 10 chocolates, and C had 10 chocolates, all of their chocolates put together would NOT be 10 + 10 + 10 = 30 chocolates, but instead, 10 X 10 X 10 = 1000 chocolates! And just 10 people coming together would have, believe it or not, 10,000,000,000 i.e 10 BILLION chocolates (instead of a mere 100!). Now, while the "exponentially" part does not apply to real world chocolates, that is EXACTLY the (DIVINE!) LAW that applies to (multiplying the power of) your PRAYERS! Now simply IMAGINE what it would be like if a mere 20 people prayer for a something. Or a 100. Or even a thousand! Your reality would start to change into something INCREDIBLE at INCOMPREHENSIBLE speeds! And THIS IS WHY Mass Global Prayers and Mass Meditations are a THING, and THAT IS HOW even a handful of anons on here (and there are FAR more than but a 'handful' of us on here) can literally REWRITE REALITY on here, should they choose to have GLOBAL PRAYER / MEDITATION sessions (in which everyone gathers TOGETHER at the SAME TIME to pray) every single day!
"For where two or three are gathered together in my name..." (MATTHEW 18:20)
Four, we SHARE this knowledge with the world. Using WHATEVER means we have at our disposal. Social Media, Post It Notes, T Shirt Quotes, LinkedIn, Memes, Face-To-Face Conversations, Tinder Chats, it DOES NOT FUCKING MATTER. What really MATTERS, even MORE THAN getting the "truth about everything" out there, is THIS POWERFUL KNOWLEDGE. Let your friends know, let your neighbours know, let your work colleagues know, let your acquaintances know, let your relatives know, let the random dude you met at the supermarket know, let EVERYONE KNOW of this on TOP PRIORITY.
Because if you simply do THIS ONE THING ALONE, the REST OF THAT INSANE EFFORT would probably not even be NEEDED. Not saying that you should't share truths or attend protests or anything, but that you can very much so COMBINE THOSE EFFORTS with these Mass Prayers / Meditations and you'll be SURPRISED BEYOND ALL BELIEF, that much, I can fucking GUARANTEE YOU ALL.
EVERY SINGLE CERTAIN THOUGHT, WORD, and ACTION that you take towards EXPECTING and EXPERIENCING our INEVITABLE VICTORY ensures that you GET to that dream reality of yours, and FAST.
Enjoy the show.
- NopeStillNotQ
P.S. IN ADDITION TO Mass Prayers and Mass Meditations (which are THE most powerful ways of WINNING a spiritual war in the fastest possible time AND the SMOOTHEST imaginable way there is), there is indeed a truly special science (and art) to how one can "spread the word", in turn triggering a SUPER-RAPID mass awakening of MONUMENTAL proportions! If such an idea excites you at all, feel free to look up "STAGE 4" (without the quotes) in this article right here.
EDITING TO ADD: In addition to all of the above, NEVER UNDERESTIMATE the sheer power of Kindness, Compassion and Forgiveness! Help out your fellow people wherever you can, EVEN IF their beliefs and your beliefs about things are entirely opposite! For example, you've all seen how lately, many vax'd people are joining the unvax'd people when push came to shove and tyrannical intentions became obvious. FIND SPACE in your heart for your neighbours (love thy neighbour!), and FIND FORGIVENESS for them...remember, the Christed One has already shown us how to do so by forgiving the very souls who had come to crucify him. We can ALL follow his example, if he could do it so can WE! Finally, a helping hand to someone, or even a little smile, goes a long, LONG way in helping spread LOVE, KINDNESS and GOOD CHEER! And when you spread more of these "good energies", the Love, the Kindness, the Cheer, the Compassion, the Forgiveness, and the Generosity...GODS WILL supports YOUR WILL and MIRACLES HAPPEN (where none were ever really expected!) And it is THIS VERY good energy that wins 'Spiritual Wars'...THIS is NOT a war that we win by separation, violence and pessimism...this is a war that we win by LOVE, UNITY, CONNECTION, COMPASSION, FORGIVENESS and TRUTH!
EDIT 2: Here's Scientific Study #1 and also Scientific Study #2 regarding the insane power of Mass Prayers / Mass Meditations for all nonbelievers, skeptics, and the scientifically-inclined ones. Cheers!
I agree prayer is powerful. I agree with alot of ur message . Although ur focus needs to be on Jesus not your earthly desires. Jesus must come first. I am 1000% behind group praying. In fact I have spent the last year building up an 8pm eastern prayer here.
I’ve been admiring from afar. I don’t know what’s holding me back.
Give it a try. All you have to do is join in at 8pm each day. No meet up, just pray in your own space. I'm a firm believer in group prayer. It is powerful. It's about the least judgey thing I've ever been involved with spiritually.
What do you pray for? Is it 8pm eastern? Pacific?
Its 8pm eastern. Pray for what ever u feel led to pray for. Often I ask people to pray that God removes the powers of darkness from this world
I pray at 8pm Eastern. The prayers are for the real White Hats, the genuine Patriots, and most importantly the children, especially the ones already in the hands of monsters.
We pray for the real White Hats, genuine Patriots, and children in danger (most importantly).