My goodness, when will the retards wake up!?
The ignorance of society is such a spreadable cancer. And it's hurting so many because of it.
Sorry for the rant. I just feel like there's been such a drastic decline with common sense and basic intelligence, ever since this plandemic occurred.
The number of people saying "they'll wake up when they hit ## of boosters"
I know people who KNOW the dangers of the vax, have seen it personally, and STILL got a booster.
We see people EVERY DAY on this very forum saying they were FORCED to take the vax simply because they didn't want to give up their lifestyle.
I'd be pissed too if I was coerced like that.
But FUNDAMENTALLY it is MY responsibility what actions I take and how I choose to respond to a situation.
And I MUST take responsibility for how things came to be that way for myself, and for the others my choices may have influenced.
People will wake up when they take responsibility for EVERYTHING in their life.
So long as they have just enough of a reward (secure feeling social standing) and are made to feel punished for any responsibility they take....
They'll cave every time.
People have been trained to not make decisions for themselves and to look for a pill they can buy for their problems.
People will stop taking the vax when and only when the sovereignty of the individual is returned.
They'll take 2x boosters a year until then.
You don't have to look any further then your old fat grandpa who had high cholesterol for 20 years and did nothing but take the statin their doctor gave them and ends up needing an implant defibrillator when they turn 71.
When you lose individual freedom, you open individuals ability to descern reality.
Every. Single. Time.
It can get worse. So so much worse. People without freedom will justify their enslavement until literal death.
Not the mere "theoretical" death of knowing the vax could kill them.
Because it is only when you truly know yourself to be free does death become real to your life's purpose. And without death everything is meaningless nonsense that you'll eat up desperate for something ANYTHING to be real.
Wake people up to see the light of God and the shadow that light makes in man.
Anything else is just giving a man a fish he'll use to blame you for his hunger.
I agree. The fundamental dillemma is this. "I want to take the vax to keep my job". However, in taking the vax I am literally risking my own l life. How much will you spend when you are dead? Not much.
It's so worse than this.. religion is a tool used by leaders to increase the fear. only through religion can you be saved???? from what? This saviour will save don't have to do a thing...but believe...and give us your tithe and obey us and our rules. The sheep have absolutely no freedom and if given the chance to escape will lock the door themselves.
Did the annanuki change humanity into slaves complete with worship gene?
If religion s and cults really wanted men To be free they wouldn't be joining in the one religion new world order crap to increase the control and would be explaining the constitution and band the congregation to help free others in the community. How often is that happening? They want the sheep to stay sheep.