My goodness, when will the retards wake up!?
The ignorance of society is such a spreadable cancer. And it's hurting so many because of it.
Sorry for the rant. I just feel like there's been such a drastic decline with common sense and basic intelligence, ever since this plandemic occurred.
Actually under the birth certificate scam..look at strawm an don't have parental rights..that was given over to the Vatican who owns all souls...has the treaty where that was decided to prove it ...and you gave them that when you signed a birth became a slave...truly. the birth certificate has a number on it and that is used to trade you on the stock market. You have millions in your strawman Account and the banksters dip into this secret bank account when you get a mortgage or any other loan..then you pay them the loan with interest on bits of paper they printed and charged interest to the government and tax as well. This is the Rothschilds who own the private federal reserve and every central bank in every country that was turned into corporations which they own...
Do a worldwide pandemic? Nothing could be simpler!
Organise a war..ditto