I appreciate the prayers you all gave more than you know. Its day 14of her covid and day 4 in the hospital. Updates have been hard to do since we can't visit, the hospital hasn't given us alot of info over the phone, and she isnt texting us much (reading glasses dont fit with the O2 mask and fog up). But we know they have had her on a bipap machine and this afternoon lowered it from 95 to 70% hopefully she progresses well from here and they get it off completely. She was taking hcq iver vit c d and zinc but it didn't really work and we had to send her to the hospital kinda against her will when she started getting blue and obviously was going to need oxygen support. I brought the staff a 24pc cheesecake sampler hopefully they're trying their hardest on her. Hoping my next update will be that shes coming home. 🙏
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Prayers still coming, fren! We'll take every bit of good news we can get. Glad to hear there is some improvement!