posted ago by fayebarker ago by fayebarker +12 / -0

Remember a while back Q was talking about meme formatting? There were several posts regarding meme formatting and getting around the DS algorithms in order to make meaningful posts. (Posts 4658-4664)

Post 4665, to me, was the impetus for the 7 previous posts. When up against oligarchical censorship, the battle is getting around the censors.

4658-4664 were simply examples of how to accomplish this. They never caught on, of course, because they were simply examples of how to get around the existing system, which would be discovered and adapted to (within 2-4 days per Q.)

The trick is to find a way to give em a little somethin' they can't take off. Any techie can update the algorithm to censor meme formats, and many other things. Keywords (any words that could possibly trigger a "progressive",) images (like the Thomas Paine quote pic,) and links (to any "verboten" domain) are all fairly easy targets for tech censors.

I could complain that so many people are complaining about what's being done to us by our government, corporations, and criminal cartels, but honestly, I've got nothing but love for everyone that's been put through this bullshit, and that's all of us.

What we need is creative ideas. Worrying about what might happen is playing defense. Catching obvious current bullshit is playing offense. That's what we're supposed to do with the creative juices, to find out where we're headed.

On that note, we have got to start thinking outside the box in order to have a widening influence. I've got a few examples to share.

Keywords... All these new terms come out in pop culture and get used all the time. Alter some dumb buzzword's meaning through a cute video and it changes the game. (Totally legit move, and it happens.)

Images... memes require changing these up all the time. Algorithms still follow patterns. Use a filter and that'll throw it off for a little bit at least. Or, make your own. Just save a pic of like Jennifer Aniston rolling her eyes in 2012 and add some quote to it.

Links ... there are new ones popping up all the time. Everyone here's pretty good with them for the most part.

Anyhow, it is vitally important that we all go by the book. On the Neighborhood Watch level, no holliganoodlin' ya hear!

Be creative, be nice to people, thankful towards everyone. And the ones causing the problems, well we should mess with their data.

Match popular hashtags Irony on TikTok

And anything you can think of. They call people who pay attention to this kind of stuff "conspiracy theorists" or worse. Actually anyone who isn't exponentially woke is treated awfully. And this brainless push is getting tougher. But what we've gotta do is outwit the bullshit, and then make sure they don't know how we did it!

Q was telling us being witty and sharp is a really good way to win.