Remember; her indictment/arrest & trial was from a period in the 1990s. Will the sentencing fit the crimes from this 1990s period?
How many victims thereafter have criminal claims against her? And will there be other crimes she will be held accountable for? Will other victims come forward? Maxwell's crimes extended a period of 30 years!
Obviously, this woman has NO moral compass and that is why she was NOT out on bail. She has been a danger to society and therefore her bail was revoked.
If the judge merely slaps her on the wrist with 'light' sentencing for her crimes from that period in time we will know the system is rigged by a biased judge.
Recall; this judge went up to Congress for her appointment hearing to a higher judgeship position DURING this Maxwell trial. If this judge's position is to go 'lightly' on Maxwell's crimes/sentencing it will send a clear & concise message to Congress and will therefore jeopardize her chances of this judge's next rung up the ladder to a higher judgeship position! Will she do what the law requires and sentence Maxwell according to the crimes she has been found guilty of?
Let us see what this judge's sentencing ruling dictates.
Since the investigation was conducted by the public corruption unit of the SDNY, and since neither Maxwell nor Epstein were ever public figures, does that not suggest that there is actually a lot more to come in relation to this case?
I would say attempted appeal (will not be successful), civil cases that determine compensation and for the years forward from this 1990s period, other victims will come forward with more allegations (which is very likely given this conviction) this could go on for years. Victims need justice in her crimes and compensation for those crimes. IMO; she could be facing years and years of litigation, trials, bail denials, and monetary forfeiture to either attorney's fees or 'pay-out' compensation to her victims.
This trial sets a precedence for Maxwell, Epstein's victims (his massive $$$ estate) and possibly the Israeli Mossad Agency heavily connected to these two criminals.
And this may lead to the ones revealed who had sex with these under-aged girls/young women or boys! On and on and on, larger and wider and broader it could span. This is why Chuck Schumer is trying desperately to 'cover-up' the names in the little black book.
I can only hope by this trial, the pedo world core hub is busted wide open for the whole world to see!
This is the start of bigger things, read this decode :)