Jizzlane Maxwell - whether you like Jordan or not, his words make sense.
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rachel chandler & the 'buckets' is what took Q to another level for me. always knew people were evil, but those surveillance pictures were too much:(
and the wall of video screens look really similar to these pictures from 1997 George Magazine Survival Guide to the Future edition. somehow JFK Jr knew we'd be having video chats and a possible female president...
entire video has clues, but go to 1:05 in video for video wall
No I don't think these were surveillance pictures but from a mobile phone camera that this pos took in with her...but you may be right. JFK jnr knew Hilary was slotted to be president..all the presidents were picked by the cabal...don't forget the Kennedys were part of that cabal..one of the thirteen families. Onassis was another. Trump is not a cousin of fake and evil queen Elizabeth as are all the others .