posted ago by sosickofit ago by sosickofit +35 / -0

One of the premises of Q is that we're too weak for the truth and thus we must be shown a movie while 80% of activity is hidden away from us Q189. Yet on numerous occasions Q mentions that truth is the only way, that we're in a battle for the truth, and has several posts such as Q4318 where he discusses this idea that the truth must be uncontrolled. Yet, says that the truth would put 99% in the hospital. Q142. Why is it that we, as a nation, should be protected from the truth at all? Honestly, what is worse that what we have already? We already know about the the mass trafficking, child abuse, torture and murder, the blackmail, treason, and so forth. These are some of the worst possible crimes imaginable. Even if we find out that the world is controlled by competing factions of extraterrestrials, where is this idea that humanity can't overcome and deal with these difficult truths coming from? Humanity is resilient.