We talk all day about Sun Tzu, but how about Lao Tzu? Any Taoists, here? This is chapter 8 of the Tao Te Ching. See anyone we all know and love very well emerging to wink at you through these verses? To understand our General is to study the Art of the Deal down tymhri/through the ages. WE LOVE HIM.

I tried reading Tao Te Ching once, but the writing is so cryptic that it requires a mentor to show you the right way.
There are 360 degrees from which one can approach the right way. Your path may be unique.
Only if you are limiting yourself to the surface plane !
I realized that as soon as I replied.
Y'all are aspiring to 5d and I am reverting to 2d. kek
This is why I love this site so much! But to be serious you have a great point. I personally am finding there is so many horizons to open and explore that sometimes I get scared to dig too far into one area because it makes me feel I might be missing out on other important things. Its a kind of FOMO. I want to make sure I pick the best area to dig deep into.
It is cryptic on purpose (and not at all). Looking at various translations may help, but the oldest versions seem very cryptic until you begin to grasp it; then you see that they are poetic and perfect. Much in the way that a horoscope can get about 1/12 of people to connect it to themselves personally, the Tao is designed to connect personally to anyone who approaches it with openness and patience. To achieve such a design requires the right mix of vagueness and specificity.
Just assume what is written is true, and ask 'how? how could this be true?' You show yourself the right way in time.
Thanks, this is good. I will give it a try!