Working theory here. If Omicron is highly contagious, incredibly mild, and spreads exclusively through the vaccinated, is that supposed to give the vaccinated actual immunity, therefore ending the whole "The pandemic will end if everyone gets vaccinated" excuse?
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I made this reply on another post but thought it also has relevance to this post. So I will place here as well. Just a theory:
I was listening to an interview, I think by Bannon with Dr Malone, and Malone said something very curious that I do not think most people even noticed. But it sure as hell got my attention. The genetic sequencing that they have examined from Omicron does not fit the normal evolutionary sequencing they would expect to see with changing variants that have a progression. Like influenza, RNA viruses change rapidly. But, by examining the sequencing you can build a time line and trace it back to the original strain. It is like a family tree. Omicron is baffling these guys because it does not fit the pattern. Its sequencing is saying that It actually predates the alpha and beta strains in the timeline that were first seen last year - more like an ancestor and not a descendant. Even Malone said it has the earmarks of a manipulated version not like the others. They are having a hard time trying to explain the obvious and have made attempts to try and explain how this could happen. But their scientific cognitive dissonance is slowly dissolving and the cold hard truth is staring them in the face. I noticed Malone in particular go from trying to explain it away to actually saying the following week that it was manipulated and released - Omicron is not part of the progression of the variants already in play. I don't think most can appreciate what he is actually saying here.
In addition, this version has as target tissue of the upper airway instead of the lower deeper respiratory tract - the lungs. Omicron infects more like a bad cold and not a severe flu like deep respiratory infection typical of SARS infections. Most organic coronaviruses are responsible for the common cold. Omicron is returning the infection back to what it was before it became weaponized. These guys are starting to figure this out - and their opinions on the matter carry a lot of weight over the rest of us. The moniker of conspiracy theorist is not going to stick on these guys.
Just speculation here. But, given that this thing is bioengineered with gain of function to be more pathogenic, what if someone was able to grab a sample during the process prior to the gain of function point where it would only still infect the upper airway like before it was sent to China? What if that someone, or a group, were waiting to inject this toned down version of the Frankenstein pathogen at just the right moment to crash the plandemic. People are not going to be as sick, and at the same time, gain immunity from all the variants because Omicron was taken from the base stock of this coronavirus so to speak. They cannot keep up the fake plandemic much longer and justify the lockdowns and the shots. If this is what is happening, and I really have no reason to doubt the word of the people that live with the nuts and bolts of this science, then this truly is a game changer and the biggest majority of the public does not even know it. But, when the public realizes that they are being subjected to tyrannical measures for a cold, that is when the cabal is in the biggest danger of having this thing turn on them badly. Bring out the pitchforks and torches.
Malone especially has taken the gloves off. They have been trying to destroy him as well as the others that have spoken out. In the beginning, many of them seemed to be guarded at what they said because I believe they were still trying to keep their career options open - especially Malone. They were not going to bite the hand that fed them - big pharma. I knew he had a lot more held back than what he was saying and he was desperately trying to walk a tightrope. But they have become the victims of the machine's assault and now many of them realize they are nothing more than expendable fodder to the corporatocracy. Many of them have been knocked off that fence they were trying to sit on and hit the ground hard. The blinders have been removed enough that they can see the corruption for what it is and they are speaking up more and hitting on some major truths. I hope this will continue and it all gets exposed by the people that have the most intimate knowledge of how that beast operates. These brilliant people also posses the knowledge to hopefully walk some of the damage back that has been done and help people that have been the victims of this scam.
Do they just "eyeball" your symptoms and vaccination status to diagnose between variants? I still don't understand how they pretend to differentiate.
From what I understand, Omicron is for everyone----boostered, vaxxed and unvaxxed, including previously infected, That's based on a recent interview with Dr. Peter McCullough: