two words; slush funds. common tactic used by numerous world governments and corporations.
static accumulative accounts for temporary holding? unknown; limited knowledge of finance suggests highly unlikely, money sitting still is the easiest money to find, even if well hidden.
speculation; money/property/assets once seized, are being moved continuously through various financial exchanges/purchases/sales. Seized assets are quietly stored away until sale to controlled shell/dummy company can be arranged, then property rights/ownership is switched over to shell/dummy company to keep exchanged properties value liquidated and mobile.
additional speculation; property/assets not easily transported or moved are kept stationary in warehouses/guarded storage facilities, ownership of the facility they are stored in is then switched through facility property changing hands.
frequent changing of hands owning property ensures efforts to obtain warrants for search or seizure of properties are continuously tied up in restarting legal proceedings to obtain said warrants for different companies property.
additional; account freezing a factor? Unknown, more information needed.
two words; slush funds. common tactic used by numerous world governments and corporations.
static accumulative accounts for temporary holding? unknown; limited knowledge of finance suggests highly unlikely, money sitting still is the easiest money to find, even if well hidden.
speculation; money/property/assets once seized, are being moved continuously through various financial exchanges/purchases/sales. Seized assets are quietly stored away until sale to controlled shell/dummy company can be arranged, then property rights/ownership is switched over to shell/dummy company to keep exchanged properties value liquidated and mobile.
additional speculation; property/assets not easily transported or moved are kept stationary in warehouses/guarded storage facilities, ownership of the facility they are stored in is then switched through facility property changing hands.
frequent changing of hands owning property ensures efforts to obtain warrants for search or seizure of properties are continuously tied up in restarting legal proceedings to obtain said warrants for different companies property.
additional; account freezing a factor? Unknown, more information needed.