Silver is underpriced relative to gold. If we go to buying and selling with metals, silver is better for buying and selling less expensive items. For example, a silver dime is worth about the same as a loaf of bread. Gold is better for more expensive items, such as cattle, autos, or property.
The manipulation is a good thing for those of us buying silver, as it keeps the price lower than it ought to be. That means we can buy more.
If you have $1,000 to spend, you can get a lot of silver, but not even an ounce of gold.
Silver is underpriced relative to gold. If we go to buying and selling with metals, silver is better for buying and selling less expensive items. For example, a silver dime is worth about the same as a loaf of bread. Gold is better for more expensive items, such as cattle, autos, or property.
The manipulation is a good thing for those of us buying silver, as it keeps the price lower than it ought to be. That means we can buy more.
If you have $1,000 to spend, you can get a lot of silver, but not even an ounce of gold.
Interesting, thanks!