I wish my parents were still alive to discuss all of this with them. My parents had a lot of insight and were forward thinking. (I wanted to be a RN since 5th grade and wanted to go through the Walter Reed Army Nursing program back in the 1960’s. My father put his foot down and said no because he knew “what the army was.” So I wanted to go to a diplomas school so I could be out working with patients more quickly. My mother said no, and that I needed to go to college. In those days you LISTENED to your parents. So I got my BSN in nursing. Decades later hospitals mandated a minimum of a BSN or within 5 years of employment.) They knew the value of money and scrimped and saved. My mother stayed at home. My father worked 2 jobs. My mother back then invested in sterling silver and silver, but was very low key about it. Now I understand. With age comes wisdom. Youth are very self centered. There are many things I would like to ask my parents of, but sadly the opportunity is gone. I myself did not begin to wake up until about5 years ago. I believed the WTC narrative and liked the Bushes. Now I can’t stand them and see them go what they really were and are. I would NEVER vote for another Bush ever again.
I wish my parents were still alive to discuss all of this with them. My parents had a lot of insight and were forward thinking. (I wanted to be a RN since 5th grade and wanted to go through the Walter Reed Army Nursing program back in the 1960’s. My father put his foot down and said no because he knew “what the army was.” So I wanted to go to a diplomas school so I could be out working with patients more quickly. My mother said no, and that I needed to go to college. In those days you LISTENED to your parents. So I got my BSN in nursing. Decades later hospitals mandated a minimum of a BSN or within 5 years of employment.) They knew the value of money and scrimped and saved. My mother stayed at home. My father worked 2 jobs. My mother back then invested in sterling silver and silver, but was very low key about it. Now I understand. With age comes wisdom. Youth are very self centered. There are many things I would like to ask my parents of, but sadly the opportunity is gone. I myself did not begin to wake up until about5 years ago. I believed the WTC narrative and liked the Bushes. Now I can’t stand them and see them go what they really were and are. I would NEVER vote for another Bush ever again.