I was awakened by CSPN. I had contracted cancer and was getting my daily treatments. When I came home one day I decided to watch the swearing in ceremony that CSPAN was covering of the newly elected Representatives and Senators. I was in awe of what I was seeing. Joe Biden was molesting women and children one right after another. Yes folks those videos were on CSPAN not from some radical right wing reporter. He was doing this right in front of the family's and none of those spineless jerks had the courage to do anything except for one guy. Jeff Sessions was the man that day. He was quick to jump in between his grand daughter and Biden.
I was awakened by CSPN. I had contracted cancer and was getting my daily treatments. When I came home one day I decided to watch the swearing in ceremony that CSPAN was covering of the newly elected Representatives and Senators. I was in awe of what I was seeing. Joe Biden was molesting women and children one right after another. Yes folks those videos were on CSPAN not from some radical right wing reporter. He was doing this right in front of the family's and none of those spineless jerks had the courage to do anything except for one guy. Jeff Sessions was the man that day. He was quick to jump in between his grand daughter and Biden.