posted ago by SophiatheCopt ago by SophiatheCopt +33 / -3

So I was always worried about getting COVID due to being overweight but it looks as if I finally caught it. I spent the week at a convent and in the Villa I stayed a few people were confirmed with it. I bought the Ivermectin horse paste a while back in preparation for this but I am unsure of how much to dose. I only have 1 tube, what else do I need? I feel like trash, last night I had a sore throat coming on, this morning I woke up with a stuffy nose and fever in addition and as the day has gone on I have gotten worse. Really drained of energy and everything hurts. I know there was a picture posted but my brain feels like mush and I don't remember what it was called to search. I also have Zinc and Vitamin D (buying oranges for the C).