I've long suspected that obesity has some inverse relationship to inteIIigence so I decided to think. Admittedly, I've just kinda started researching today, lol, but what I found was PMC3813310 - an article stating that obesity doesn't beget low intelligence. Rather, low intelligence is a precursor to obesity. This isn't just some marginal decrease, either. It's nearly 1/3 of a standard deviation below the norm.
Reason why I bring this up is to get closer to the truth of things. All I have currently is speculation, casual observation and this article but perhaps in voicing tossing the idea ball around may get us closer to figuring this out and even perhaps get an expert (I am not an expert - not even remotely myfieId) opinion on the matter.
What I think is happening is that peoples' growth cycles are beingacceIerated because of D l E T. Think about it - cog decIine and obesity are part and parcel to a g e. Here, I'll Iist off a bunch of observations as well as things I've learnt. SOME MAY BE RELEVANT, SOME MAY NOT. If something is inaccurate, please tell me too.
Asian youthfulness - one of the prevailing stereotypes is that we're really youthful in appearance. I've heard theories about why this is, namely neotenic evoIution (same reason why chihuahuas look like fetaI woIves) that was likely the result of generations upon generations of "seIectivebreeding" cuz emperors be getting around but I'm not so sure if it's that simple.
- Interesting to note is that not only do Japanese women experience menopause at a later time than Caucasian women do, but also experience miIdersymptoms as a result of a greater intake of kaIe and what not. Asians also tend to have a longer Iifeexpectancy, too, but it's hard to tell what factors into what.
Obese ppI's weirdIyaged appearance - another observation about just how oId they tend to be. It's weird, man. I've got obese peers who look like they're 20~+ yrs oIder than me. I've also noted just how terrible their MEMORlES tend to be and how, often times, it's actually people who've Iived here in the West basically all their Iives, no offense.
Speculation as to why - correct me if I'm wrong but I do remember hearing that most cattIe and crap in general have growthhormones to the max in the West. It's also probably why some of my buds' kids are freakishly tall for being like threeish. B ball of 20XX gonna look like scenes out of Spacejaam.
Back in Asia, that wasn't a thing. It was mainly fish (sometimes even FREAAAAAKlNG RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW) that we had anyway.
Seriously, though, if anyone has to add, this is probably mega important to figure out.
Edit - Does k o s h e r have any such additives?
Leptin: Obese people, especially those with sleep apnea, have enhanced leptin and thus higher memory function and improved learning ability. Sleep apnea itself contributes to obesity. Exercise reduces leptin, as does sleep deprivation. Really fat, lazy, unhealthy people who snore and sleep a lot are smarter. They wouldn't be higher-functioning, though, because they aren't able to put action to their thoughts (and they often have psychological distractions along with their nutritional disorders). I do agree, though, that hormones in food are probably a huge factor culturally. But obesity predisposition these days tends to run in low-education, low-income families, consuming a cheap, plentiful, high-carbohydrate diet (which is quickly unsatisfying and thereby addictive). This is how hereditary low-IQ correlates to manifest obesity practically; while chemically, obese people would have the intellectual advantage.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15743336/ ...?
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/09/060929094058.htm ...? Read the fifth paragraph onwards.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31717265/ ...?!? All the literature about it seems to suggest that leptin controls intake and that any correlation with obesity is, rather, the result of a leptin insensitivity.
Where are you getting your information about the positive effects from leptin having anything to do with obesity?
Right, but apparently if you are insensitive to the satiety and overeat and get fat, you get increased leptin all around. The more fat, the more leptin. Here's an example: https://doi.org/10.2337/diab.45.11.1455
Yeah because you become insensitive to leptin. Which is why you have to produce more, apparently.