Okay, so today my boyfriend and I were looking at movie times because we wanted to see The Matrix and I was looking at specific dates later on in the month and noticed that there was only ONE movie playing at the largest movie theatre within 20 miles of me. They typically have 10+ movies playing each day. WELL, I started going through the dates to see if it was just a system error and it was in fact consistent STARTING ON JANUARY 7!!!!
On January 6th, there are showtimes for ALL of the movies out (spiderman, matrix, the king's man, sing 2, etc. etc.), and all of a sudden, on Jan 7th, the ONLY movie playing at this movie theatre is called 'The 355'.
I was like, "wtf, is this 355 movie and why is it so important that it's the only movie scheduled??"
Well, the movie is supposed to be released on January 6th, and my minds racing and I'm trying not to date fag but how can I not when the MOVIE SHOWTIMES are telling me SOMETHING about this movie and the significance of this date. This movie theatre isn't small, it's near a huge event stadium, mall, and big consumer stores.
I looked into the premise of the movie and it's premise is about a "wild card" CIA agent that teams up with other international agents around the world to recover some sort of TOP-SECRET WEAPON that fell into mercenary hands(My mind goes straight to Project Looking Glass/CERN/Time Travel stuff), and the title of the movie (The 355) is derived from this Agent 355, who was a female spy (who used a CODED NAME) and worked with the PATRIOTS during the American Revolution. In the movie, the main character (CIA agent) apparently teams up with other women from international spy agencies, including a, "cutting edge computer specialist" who was an MI6 ally, a Colombian psychologist (Penelope Cruz). Meanwhile, some Chinese lady is tracking their movement. The oddly summary points out she was in X-Men: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST
Apparently, these women forge a "tenuous" loyalty to one another that could protect the world
The movie was produced by "Perfect World Films" who is a Chinese company that is the first to directly work with the US (in this case they are working with Universal Studios).
So I started looking into this illusive "Agent 355" and I'm like whattttt this is crazy, so she was allegedly one of the first spies in the US, during the American Revolution and her true identity is UNKNOWN.....Things are getting crazy.. . WELL, she was part of this group called the Culper Ring.
The Culper Ring, named after Culpeper County Virginia, was a network of spies during the Revolutionary War organized by Benjamin Tallmadge (using the name John Bolton) and GEORGE WASHINGTON in 1778 during the British Occupation of NYC. Abraham Woodhull(using name Samuel Culper Sr) and Robert Townsend(using name Samuel Culper Jr).
Washington directed the operations of this group, who were tasked to provide Washington info on British Army Operations in NYC, Long Island and Connecticut between 1778 and 1783, and ultimately became a HUGE influence on the US winning the war. This group gave Washington intel on British plans to counterfeit money, attack Rhode Island, divide his armies, and other information.
Washington sought these VOLUNTEERS to do espionage missions. They were a very well organized and discreet group of individuals who Washington believed were absolutely necessary to infiltrate British operations because they were civilians and attracted less attention than soldiers.
(holy shitballs, maybe when Q says THE MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY, HE MEANS US..because we are all the army of digitals soldiers in the digital war...).
These were normal people working with Washington, passing along coded messages on paper, they did it the old school way but no one suspected a thing. These coded messages were where 'Agent 355' got her name. It's supposedly the code assigned from the coding system they used in their letters.
They used coded letters, messages written in newspapers using invisible ink, had pocket dictionaries of corresponding code numbers, and after awhile, everyone had code names and numbers.
Well, all this happened in the 1700s and the public didn't even know about it until the 1930s when a lot of the letters were uncovered from Townsend's and Washington's letter collections.
Something interesting I found is that the Culpeper Minute Men created the rattlesnake "Don't Tread on me" and "Liberty or Death" flag...
It's just mind boggling how many similarities I see with this history and the entire Q movement. I have no idea why that was the only movie playing after January 6th, but I am mind blown. SHIT IS FUCKING HAPPENING! I CAN FEEL IT IN MY BONES.
Let me know what you guys think about all of this and if your movie theatres have the same thing! I was reading so much that I didn't get a chance to look all that much but I did check my movie theatre's website again on PC and it shows the same thing!
EDIT: I didn't really make clear the point of my post because I was so overloaded with information about the Culper Ring. My post isn't about watching this movie, or even the premise of the movie. It's about the TITLE of the movie, this agent 355 person, and the fact that they were part of a huge organized grassroots civilian movement organized by George Washington.
The Culper Ring, who this Agent 355 was part of, reminded me of the Q movement and all of the Patriots around the world digging, researching, and spreading the truth and uncovering the lies.
Think about it...
Everyone fighting against the deep state and corrupt governments are mostly civilians. This is a "Trickle up Liberty" movement that cannot be stopped. It's only getting bigger.
THIS is how Culper Ring agents and George Washington were able to win the war. They had boots on the ground, normal people, who communicated with Washington using codes. Washington and the agents had to painstakingly decipher these codes. Because of this, we were always steps ahead of the British.
In this case, Q communicates to us, normal people, using sort of "coded language", we decipher the messages and share it with the masses. We are always steps ahead of the DS and know exactly what they are going to do because of the critical thinking we have to decipher the comms and go into black holes of researching. We are all banding together and the whole world is waking up and fighting back.
I know the whole movie industry is corrupt, just like the letter agencies and the government, but I don't want to generalize the entire industry. I watch a lot of movies and they definitely do have a whole woke agenda. However, I think there are factions of good people (just like every industry) working and lately, I've been seeing less "wokeness" and more positive, family promoting themes in movies. I can't really explain it, but when I watch movies, I can't help but point out all the subtle things in movies they do to subconsciously brainwash people, and for the last four years, it has decreased dramatically. Now, it's like they are promoting family values and positive endings (not in all movies, but many). There hasn't really been any apocalypse or biological terror type movies (besides B films) released since Obama was president.
Something has definitely changed in Hollywood, and we're starting to see it. I am just surprised that the movie is even called Agent 355. Since when did Hollywood have any sort of Patriotic movie? Just the fact that the title is related to a Historical Patriot movement baffled me. Maybe a lot of the DS actors and pedos in Hollywood were arrested/jailed, and the good guys got promoted into those positions. Maybe that is why we're seeing the shift (it's subtle but it's there).
I might be completely off base with my post, but it definitely gives me hope about SOMETHING HAPPENING. I mean, I'm sure there is SO much happening that we haven't even uncovered yet (We didn't know about the Culper Ring until 100+ years later), but that's why we keep digging and datefagging and hoping :).
With that I will leave you with Q post #371992:
Sometimes a good 'movie' can provide a lot of truth and/or background. 'Official Secrets.' Relevant today? Enjoy the show! Q
God Bless all of you beautiful people!
Watching the trailer it just looks like some faggy diversity shit to push feminism and globalism, however one thing that does stand out is the Chinese spy in the movie is played by Bing Bing Fan who was the actress imprisoned by the CCP and forced to pay a huge fine.