Whelp... It's time to WELCOME our DOUBLE- and even TRIPLE-UNVAXXED new frens! Are you one of our "got vaxxed but are now done with this bullshit" lurkers? Please introduce yourself here! We kmow. You sincerely thought you were helping society. Now you're see what we see! JOIN US!

I was the first shot (J&J) because I wanted to be able to have holidays with my family, and I have members of my fam who are at risk, so I thought it was the best thing to do. I, and all my family, who got the shot(s) had no adverse reactions whatsoever, and I thank the Lord Jesus Chtist everyday for that. If something happena to any of us 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 years down the line then will do what we've always done, come together as a family and deal with as best as we can. All of knew the risks, and we made our decisions. This past Christmas was rough cause COVID went through my whole family, we're all fine now, but my mom still has no taste or smell, but now two-thirds of my family has "super-immunity" and we are thankful that we can go anywhere without fear of getting or spreading the virus. Most of my family, thanks to subtle redpilling by me and my bro are not going to get boosted. Thanks for this post, fren. I feel like a weight has been lifted of my chest. I'm gonna go back to lurking now.
No taste or smell = zinc deficient
Welcome Lights. So glad you could speak up.
And thanks for Cats for raising this most, most important of topics.
There is no judgment here: only freedom, sovereignty, and mutual support. THAT is the influence of the Holy Spirit, imo.