posted ago by Pollycracker ago by Pollycracker +103 / -1 Occupation and Non-International Armed Conflict. The law of belligerent occupation does not address non-international armed conflict as such because a belligerent occupation presupposes that the Occupying Power is hostile in relation to the State whose territory is being occupied.35 A State’s military forces controlling its own territory would not be regarded as conducting an occupation; similarly, foreign forces conducting operations with the consent of the territorial State would also not be regarded as conducting an occupation.36 "However, the law of belligerent occupation may be applicable to a non-international armed conflict when a non-State party to the conflict has been recognized as a belligerent.37 In addition, a non-international armed conflict could be regarded as taking place in the context of, or alongside, an occupation.38** Basically, I think Trump used Patriots on Jan 6th in order to fulfill this ^ specific prerequisite to assume a Belligerent Occupation. So, let me make sure you're getting this straight, because this can get confusing if you're going by other peoples' take on the Law of War Manual. I'm not saying I'm right, but this is a theory. The DeepState is not the current occupying force. The Jan 6th Patriots are the current occupying (belligerent) force. Yeah, you got that right. Trump DID host an insurrection. But what "country, nation, or territory" did he occupy? Washington D.C. Yup! We all know by know Washington D.C. isn't actually a "part" of the United States. It's neither a city nor a country, by typical terms anyway. It's not even really a territory, because the United States Of America hasn't ever disputed its occupation, so it's not "really" an "occupied territory" in the traditional sense. Oh wait, WE HAVEN'T DISPUTED IT?! Hell, yeah, we have! It's being disputed as we speak. Let's read it again: However, the law of belligerent occupation may be applicable to a non-international armed conflict when a non-State party to the conflict has been recognized as a belligerent.37 In addition, a non-international armed conflict could be regarded as taking place in the context of, or alongside, an occupation.38 Who is this non-State party of a non-international armed conflict that has been recognized as belligerent? Jan 6th Patriots, that's who. But it also makes the DeepState an occupying force as well! In case you didn't see the trap card Trump just played while blowing Seto Kaiba's blue-eyes white dragon into the shadow realm, let me spell it out for you a little more. Trump piggy-backed on the Jan 6th Insurrection in order to activate to "justify" the Belligerent Occupation of Washington D.C. He gave them exactly what they wanted; an Insurrection. Why? To wage war on the United States' greatest threat: The Swamp. Oh yeah, you got me right, he actually invaded another sovereign body! It WAS a real insurrection, and they can't actually parse what that means, hence the Jan 6th Commission to try and figure out what the hell he's actually activated in terms of LoW protocols. They have NO CLUE what is going on under the table because they actually DID succeed in their plan. Trump and Patriots gave them absolutely everything they wanted, and they had nothing else planned because they didn't really think they would pull it off. In fact, he gave them MORE than they wanted. Then, all he had to make sure of is that the chucklefucks in Congress declared it an insurrection, and continue to do so. Because it IS an insurrection. Gasp, plot twist! Trump did invade Washington D.C. with his supporters. And as a result, the U.S. Military had to step in and take control. Not the Capitol Police. Yeah, keep that in mind. The Capitol Police are a separate military sworn only to Washington D.C. -- Kinda like the Swiss Guard are for the Vatican. So the only way around them is to call them out on their "jurisdiction." To stop the Military from coming in to investigate the Jan 6th Insurrection, they would have to declare the Capitol Police what they really are, a separate Military for a separate sovereign body. Read it again: "A State’s military forces controlling its own territory would not be regarded as conducting an occupation; similarly, **foreign forces conducting operations with the consent of the territorial State would also not be regarded as conducting an occupation.**36" Yeah, the only way Trump could invade Washington D.C. (another "state/sovereign") and play by the Law of War Manual to prevent U.N. intervention was to get us to act as his "armed, non-international, non-State party" and then officially recognized as a belligerent occupying force. There really can't be two Occupying Powers at once, because of the U.N. having to recognize that Occupying Power, especially if one is the State's own military forces. But the Military ISN'T the State's (Washington D.C.) own military force, the Capitol Police are. KEK! They wanted to impeach Trump so bad they were completely blind-sided when Trump played the impossible card -- Operation: Come at me, bro; I fucking dare you! And they did! They fell for it hook-line-and-sinker! But where are we now?! Well, here's what might be going on. Occupation and Post-War Situations. The GC, however, continues to apply in occupied territory until one year after the general close of military operations, and the Occupying Power is bound, for the duration of the occupation, to the extent that such State exercises the functions of government in such territory, by the provisions of certain articles of the GC.42 So, the "war" doth did occur. The Military kicked out the Patriots. Military operations have ceased (or have they?) And the Occupying Power (Patriots?!) is allowed to be active for a whole year in order to "maintain order" and "exercise the functions of government in such territory" among the population. But the "invaders" (Patriots) have already left, you say! So, who is the Occupying Power now? Would it be the Military? Well, yes and no... Is it crazy to think that it's the ones who were there the whole time? Our beloved Congress Men and Women?! The DeepState? Uh oh, what happens the Legitimate Government(Military) discovers it's not the Legitimate Government and it's actually an Occupying Power that shut down another Occupying Power because the real "Legitimate" Government(DeepState) failed to disclose that the Not-So Legitimate Government(Military) isn't actually legitimate and is factually another Occupying Power. Shrug? Yeah, there's the loophole we were waiting for! Uncharted territory means you can do whatever you want! If there isn't a rule against it, it isn't cheating! So, the Occupying Force(Patriots) is kicked out and Patriots are Detained (Jan Six Political Prisoners), but simultaneously revealing a Cabal "Occupying Force" which is actually the real "Legitimate" Government. What a mess... But so long as the Cabal continues to declare it an Insurrection, they create a legal feed-back loop where they permit the Military to continually investigate all "Occupying Forces" that exist in the territory. So while the Military can't act, it can investigate any and all "Occupations" going on. Which means, unless Washington D.C. declares it isn't a part of the United States, the DeepState as well can be investigated. Oopsie. If you want a visual, the Military is acting like that boss that accidentally spawns twice because the game got glitched real good.. Except one boss is "controlled" by the Cabal and the other boss is "controlled" by the White Hats. We the People are Player 1. The Cabal are Player 2. Player 2 is a griefer and wants to ruin Player 1's game by sic'ing the world boss on them (in World of Warcraft Terms). Player 1 gets unwittingly coached by Trump to activate a glitch that spawns two of the World Bosses and traps Player 2 in the arena with them. Once the first World Boss goes down to the second, and agro switches, Player 2 is fucked! Right now we are/have been in 11.2 since Trump told us to go home on Jan 6th. 11.2 WHEN MILITARY OCCUPATION LAW APPLIES Similarly, as long as the occupation is effective, there is no precise number of forces that are considered necessary to constitute an effective occupation. In order to stay in power and prevent the Legitimate Government/Military from stepping in officially, they have to continue to claim the Jan 6th Insurrection has led to an Occupation of Washington D.C. Obviously they can't just come out and say that, right, because it's not true factually, but that doesn't matter for the rules though, so they are working on borrowed time that Trump gave them to hang themselves. Effectively, they were chased into a corner and the walls are closing in. They have control so long as the farce of an Occupying Power (Patriots) is in place, but as soon as that is up the Military is permitted to view the DeepState as the Occupying Power since, due to the investigations behind the scenes, they have been exposed. Keep in mind, this is all predicated under their lie that Washington D.C. isn't owned by foreign actors. If they admit the truth about what D.C. is, the game they've played for decades is up and the whole house of cards comes down instantaneously. The only reason we have to go through all this is because of all the "cheats" they have put in place over the years to give them the upper hand. They could have stopped their own fall if they would have just played fair this go around. Game Theory. Once Jan 6th comes by, it triggers 11.3, as the End of Occupation (Patriots) and we are off to the races with another Belligerent Occupation(Military) and REAL Military action to expel them as the make-pretend government they actually are. Here are some receipts: "Election Day" is code for "11.3", literally, of the Law of War Manual. Post 4079 is about 11.2, which means we must already have passed 11.2 since 11.1 had to have been triggered since Jan 6th and Trump's speech, and 11.2 simply clarifies 11.1. 11.3 will be clear when 4587comes true: C19 narrative kill date: Election Day +1 And an immediate trip of 11.4 as soon as 11.3 goes down: Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4. So I know we aren't at 11.3 yet. That's my theory anyway. Thoughts?