How does that saying go when boiling a frog? Do it to quick and it will jump out of the pot. Are you jumping yet? Because you weren't jumping a year ago. BTW, I just realized why a frog became the mascot of the MAGA movement?
Let me understand your rationale. Its ok if the government mandates childhood vaccines that many experts are claiming to cause Autism with a resulting 1 in 54 incidence rate.
It's not ok when the child endangerment (heart attacks) is much more obvious?
Is the problem you just didn't want to see it happen so suddenly? I say perhaps you needed to see it happen suddenly. Does the phrase, "You can't tell them, you have to show them" ring a bell?
It was ok when the incidence of brain damaged children increased by 27000% (277 fold) over the last 50 years. A 27000% increase wasn't big enough for you to stand up and say something?
Just 50 years ago the Autism rate was 1 in 10.000 children. Today its 1 in 54.
Some estimates it is already at 1 in 36. Some predictions are with the current rate of increase we will be at 1 in 4 by 2033.
If we continued down the same path, the government would keep telling you vaccines are safe, keep injecting your kids so they can go to school and "NO" the vaccines did not cause your child's Autism. Where does that lead us? 1 in 4 by 2033.
Instead, today we have a society who is looking at Fauci, NIH and FDA like they are evil monsters. Half the country is demanding Fauci's head on a platter. I suspect soon we will see a thorough cleansing of our medical agencies. Going forward our government will not be conspiring against us with bioweapons, our tax dollars will not fund research to destroy us, childhood vaccines will be made nontoxic, medical breakthroughs that have been hidden for decades will come to light, new effective cancer drugs will hit the market, ect, ect, ect.
Think about it, how many $billions have been donated for cancer research over the years and the best thing they have is chemotherapy drugs? That shit will kill you faster than the cancer. You can't have a medical industry that is paying for gain of function research to find viruses that kill you and expect them to produce effective cancer treatments, its a conflict of interest. Effective cancer drugs do not fit in to their depopulation agenda.
We needed a event to wake up the people. We were all asleep at the wheel. You can blame Trump if you want to and I'm sure Trump will take the blame if in the end it saves our society. I remember him saying, "I take all these slings and arrows for you". You first have to realize the destructive path we were on and contrast it to our final destiny before credit can be given, start working on that.
Stay safe my frens!!!
Baby #1 for me is about to be here. I've been doing a lot of research on "common" vaccines. I think I'll keep my kid far far far away from any needles at birth. I find it absolutely bonkers that the first Hepatitis B shot is given to your newborn before even leaving the hospital. It's given to all babies too! Hep B is only transmissible through blood, semen, and vaginal fluids. Not saliva. Even when mom is negative for Hep B, newborn babies are still given the shot. Why on Earth would you overwhelm a tiny infant's immune system with a vaccine when they're not even a day old yet?! Blows my mind. But follow the money...
Ill offer some unsolicited advice from one mom to another (my little one is 2 and I am pregnant with my 2nd baby). I did a ton of research before I was banned from my social media.
Don’t let them cut the cord immediately! Wait until it goes limp. 1/3rd of the blood will still be in the placenta and that blood is rich with stem cells meant to heal the baby from child birth. Which leads to Vitamin K - skip the shot! Don’t give Vitamin K! It has a black box warning (which means it can kill your baby). Glad to see you are skipping Hep B!
I skipped the eye goop. I wanted to skip the antibiotics they hook you up to before giving birth (mom) but they threatened to keep me an additional day so I obliged. I wish I hadn’t agreed to antibiotics. I did the heal prick but I will be skipping that this time.
And finally, epidural contains fentanyl and can have pros/cons. I used it the first time because I was 3 days in labor/exhausted. Needed it to sleep. Wish I hadn’t taken it - resulted in very engorged breasts that made it very hard to breast feed. Like climbing a mountain much steeper than necessary.
So far I have never vaccinated my toddler. I never will. I don’t do the “well baby” visits. I will take her to urgent care if she needs something. Also I take her to the dentist (good to keep a record; a professional can vouch for the child looking very healthy when they came to the dental office).
Thanks for hearing me. God bless you and god bless your little one! I know your birth will be amazing!!
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond! I definitely plan on delaying cutting the cord until I deliver the placenta, or until the cord has gone white and I know my baby has received all the blood. Even after that I'm sure I'll still wait a solid hour or so. God is so good and He designed us perfectly and it hurts me to think about the things doctors do that totally goes against common sense and nature.
As far as vitamin K goes, I think it's a God thing that you addressed it! I've been praying about whether or not to have it given to my child. I've read about the black label warning, read about how the extreme excess of the vitamin can lead to jaundice, about all the preservatives and other yucky ingredients in it including aluminum, etc. Oh and the fact that it's some synthetic version of vitamin K and the concentration is 20,000 times the amount naturally found in an infant's body. God knows best and there must be a reason babies are born with low levels of the vitamin. I definitely had to dig for that information though. It should absolutely raise some eyebrows when you do an internet search for vitamin k for newborns and all you get are results praising how great and safe it is and how any parent who refuses it for their child is terrible and should be arrested for child abuse, etc. A whole other rabbit hole though.
I'll also be refusing the eye drops. I read that the purpose of those is to prevent blindness in babies born to mothers who have gonorrhea or chlamydia, neither of which I have. But of course those eye drops are "standard." Ummm well whoever manufactures those I'm sure is very happy that their product is used on 99% of about money! Ugh that industry just pisses me off.
My plan is an unmedicated birth. I wish to labor and deliver in whatever position I feel most comfortable in and to go tell the midwife or doc to go pound sand if they tell me to do anything that makes their life more convenient and not in the best interest of me or my baby. My husband and I have even joked about locking the care providers out of the room if they get too pushy. As long as baby is okay, I don't want anyone putting a finger on me or baby. Total mama bear already over here.
God bless you and I pray that the rest of your pregnancy goes well and you deliver a beautiful, healthy baby, and that all of your labor, delivery, and post-delivery plans go exactly how you hope!
Giving birth sounds absolutely disgusting. I hope you don’t make your husband watch.
Giving birth is one of the most natural things a woman can do. A woman gave birth to you, earlgray. I hope one day you see things differently.