There is a nascent movement among certain Q-anon influencer(s) that seeks to revive the 2,000 year old heresy that Christians are still under the Old Testament law. Evidently some folks prefer blog posts and YouTube videos to actually reading their Bibles. This is exactly why our culture is destitute and so easily manipulated; people have no idea how to actually read and study for themselves. Please don't play into (((their))) game.
Edit: For more context, read Acts chapter 15, Galatians (the whole thing), Romans 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Ephesians 2:15, Colossians 2:8-17
None of that makes Christ God. Because God made him His son. Why do you think that relationship is so important? Keep your polish beliefs if you want. I'll stick to the truth.