364 Earning Billions for Big Pharma and killing off some of us are only minor goals of the Plandemic. The main reason is the vax-pass which ostensibly is about health, but will soon include 'domestic terrorism' and a Chinese-like Social Credit Score. (media.greatawakening.win) ⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️ posted 3 years ago by Lapstrake 3 years ago by Lapstrake +364 / -0 24 comments download share 24 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Social Credit as Anderson Cooper mentioned on CNN in 2021! The totalitarian left can only dream. AOC wet dreams
His constant furrowed brow is so fake, like he's really concentrating on the topic and is deeply concerned about it. Fake. He probably goes home and laughs at all the idiots that watch CNN while they get brainwashed.