I've been feeling a bit "off" lately (depressed, dispirited, disillusioned - read it as you please) and haven't followed really. I've focused more on good things in life, phys. exercise, family without mentioning politics etc.
So it's 2022 now. Anybody care to summarize where we are in returning GEOTUS to the Oval Office and turning over the steal of 2020? What are the most interesting developments to follow at this time?
I know the election was at the end of 2020 so we are not exactly at midpoint between 2020 and 2024 but the thought scares me. We are not going to fall into the Trump 2024 train, are we?
Wish I could encourage you. I’ve got nothing today or yesterday.
Well, Democrats are announcing their resignations. 25 so far, I believe. Some Rinos, too. For depression I recommend X22Report and Ben Fulford. Just a bit of hopium. Probably not all of it accurate but something's habbening. https://tinyurl.com/yckjek3e
I don't really care about the political parties anymore at this point. Trump was never really a republican (or democrat for that matter when he was a member of that party) to me. He was above the two stagnated institutions.
I want the man back. And unless a steal of this proportions gets fixed, can you really trust whoever gets "elected" into congress and senate?
This might not seem related, but choose something you can work on... one word. Mine for previous years have been kindness, peace, positivity, etc. This year it's is compassion. Like you said about shifting your focus, finding that "one thing" might help give you a different lens in which to process some things.
it's 2020 too
But we won't let it!
Dude, just kick back, get yourself in order. You’ll know when Shit starts popping off!
We have more than enough evidence our elections were stolen.
I don't know that Trump coming back will ever happen.
I'm pretty sure he never left. Devolution seems real.
What else is there? Seriously...
Not a single R legislature anywhere will vote to de-certify. You're just gonna hafta vote harder next time.
There was no timeline given. All we are doing is speculating. Continue to play your role of holding the line, do not comply with tyranny, and spread information, this is our path to victory.
And, in the back of your mind know your own personal red line. If they cross that redline, it is time to defend ourselves physically. One of my main redlines is if they come for the guns of law abiding citizens. Another is, if they try to force vax my family.
Once you see your role and define your redline, the only thing we can do is wait to see if we either win or the redline is crossed.
Think about it; If Trump is re-installed that means Pence is reinstalled as VP.
I think Trump is letting this all play out (election fraud exposure, etc) and will announce the 2024 presidential run sometime this spring. That gives the MAGA movement party 1.5 years to campaign for 2024 and during that period Trump will name a new running mate.
Who will it be?
DeSantis? Flynn? Allen West? Tim Scott? A Woman_____________? (Fill in the Blank)
Any guesses?
Fuck the "Trump 2024" nonsense. Remember a year ago? That was NEVER going to happen because it would only mean the election can be stolen.