These are only the front men. The shadowy figures like Pierre Omidyar are just as much money men influencers as George Soros and Bill Gates. Omidyar is at the head of all the the Electronic Voting organizations listed below. He funds the Democracy Fund that funds the PEW Election Initiatives and the Center for Democracy and Technology and Tammy Patrick. The PEW Election Initiatives and the Center for Democracy and Technology in turn funnels Omidyar money into the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC). ERIC is used by 39 States in America. The Social Security Death Index, along with State DMVs and the USPS National Change of Address (NCOA) reports data to ERIC. The PEW Election Initiatives also channels Omidyar money into the Google Voting Information Project (VIP).
Do you see how the bigger picture consists of front men and shadow men?
Reminds me of the Freemason setup according to Manly Hall I believe...he wrote about the inner circle that are evil bastards being evil bastards, and then the clueless outer ring who think they are selling circus tickets thinking that it will help kids. The outer ring doesn't know anything about the evil bastards on the inner ring such as the Royal Jesters and their pedophiles. EDIT: The similarity is the known faces and the unknown faces...I AM NOT saying that both faces aren't evil fuckers when it comes to your point and information.
Read about Pierre Omidyar and how EVIL this person is. Read about the Craig's List Lawsuit, in which the evil bastard tried to take it over the family run business after pretending -- "I'm only here to help". The judge's comment on Omidyar's behavior is revealing. Yes, these people are ruthless and evil.
These are only the front men. The shadowy figures like Pierre Omidyar are just as much money men influencers as George Soros and Bill Gates. Omidyar is at the head of all the the Electronic Voting organizations listed below. He funds the Democracy Fund that funds the PEW Election Initiatives and the Center for Democracy and Technology and Tammy Patrick. The PEW Election Initiatives and the Center for Democracy and Technology in turn funnels Omidyar money into the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC). ERIC is used by 39 States in America. The Social Security Death Index, along with State DMVs and the USPS National Change of Address (NCOA) reports data to ERIC. The PEW Election Initiatives also channels Omidyar money into the Google Voting Information Project (VIP).
Do you see how the bigger picture consists of front men and shadow men?
Reminds me of the Freemason setup according to Manly Hall I believe...he wrote about the inner circle that are evil bastards being evil bastards, and then the clueless outer ring who think they are selling circus tickets thinking that it will help kids. The outer ring doesn't know anything about the evil bastards on the inner ring such as the Royal Jesters and their pedophiles. EDIT: The similarity is the known faces and the unknown faces...I AM NOT saying that both faces aren't evil fuckers when it comes to your point and information.
Read about Pierre Omidyar and how EVIL this person is. Read about the Craig's List Lawsuit, in which the evil bastard tried to take it over the family run business after pretending -- "I'm only here to help". The judge's comment on Omidyar's behavior is revealing. Yes, these people are ruthless and evil.